Title Creative Places for Collaborative Cities
Author Teresa Franqueira
Supervisor Ezio Manzini
Publish 2009
Title Narrative and visualization: Strategies for effectiveness in collaborative design practice
Author João Sampaio
Supervisor Teresa Franqueira
Publish 2016
Title Tourceira : Design of an accessible tourism product-service system for Terceira Island
Author Ruben Nunes Silva
Supervisors Teresa Franqueira, Celeste Eusébio
Publish 2015
Title The Design role in the revitalization of commercial urban centers: Rua Direita in Aveiro, as a case study
Author Raphaella Fischer Rocha
Supervisor Teresa Franqueira
Publish 2014
Title Retalhos do Porto: design of a sustainable local trade revitalization system: the case of Rua do Heroísmo
Author Beatriz Moreira Martins
Supervisor Teresa Franqueira
Publish 2014
Title Design system for the valuation of Sever do Vouga assets: Project TAS : Turismo e Artesanato de Sever
Author Mário Renato Santiago Tavares
Supervisors Teresa Franqueira, Gonçalo Gomes
Publish 2013
Title The design in the valuation of objects produced by disabled adult
Author Carolina Domingues Gaspar
Supervisors Teresa Franqueira, Rui Costa
Publish 2013
Title Co-design with young people from Sever do Vouga for a sense of belonging
Author Pedro Fragoso Lopes
Supervisors Teresa Franqueira, Gonçalo Gomes
Publish 2013
Title Design of an identity system for Montemor-o-Velho
Author Sónia Claúdia Alexandrino Gomes
Supervisors Teresa Franqueira, Francisco Providência
Publish 2013
Title From fish to fish: design of a system for Av. Dr. Lourenço Peixinho: building rehabilitation through the valorization of Aveiro heritage
Author Tânia Correia Estrela Santos
Supervisors Teresa Franqueira, Álvaro Sousa
Publish 2012
Title Design in the appreciation of a culture of proximity: for thoses that are close, do not be so far
Author Silvina Luísa Rodrigues Félix da Silva
Supervisor Teresa Franqueira
Publish 2012
Title The park in the contemporary city – communicating the public space through collective memory, in Parque Infante D. Pedro
Author Maria Helena Almeida Pinho
Supervisors Teresa Franqueira, Rui Costa
Publish 2012
Title Participatory design in education – contributes to improve children eating habits
Author Sara Manuela Carvalho Gonçalves
Supervisor Teresa Franqueira
Publish 2011
Title Villa: local network system: design contributions for the valorization of the traditional food trade in Aveiro city
Author Verónica Inês Carreira Domingues
Supervisors Teresa Franqueira, Rui Roda
Publish 2011