Marina Alexandra Couto Carvalho Peres

As a designer, educator, and researcher, I have been actively engaged in the field of design since 1995, specializing in design management, corporate identity, information design, and motion graphics. In 2019, I co-founded Studio Invicta, a creative agency based in Dubai and Porto.

During my tenure as a designer and coordinator of the Information Design service at Radio and Television of Portugal (RTP) in Porto, I played a pivotal role in creating visual identities for various RTP television channels, demonstrating my creative leadership and strategic vision.

As a design educator, I have had the privilege of collaborating with prestigious institutions such as the College of Architecture, Art and Design (CAAD) from American University of Sharjah in UAE, Dubai Institute of Design and Innovation (DIDI), PolyU Design at Polytechnic University in Hong Kong, University Saint Joseph (Faculty of Arts and Humanities) in Macau and Universidade Católica Portuguesa (Escola das Artes). Through teaching, I aim to inspire and empower the next generation of designers to push the boundaries of creativity and innovation.

The main objective of my research is to investigate the potential of design for promoting circularity and social impact as a holistic approach that takes into account the entire ecosystem of a business and seeks to create solutions that are not only sustainable and environmentally responsible but also address social needs and contribute to societal well-being and are economically beneficial.

Current positions

  • Co-Founder Studio Invicta
  • Assistant Professor AUS - CAAD
  • Adjunct Professor USJ

PhD Details


International journals
  • Peres, M. (2021) Shadowing Shapes of Portuguese Heritage and Visual Culture. Design Process and Storytelling. in Revista dos encontros internacionais de estudos luso-brasileiros em Design e Ergonomia nº5 . 74-79 Link
International conferences
  • Peres, M., Mota, J., (2016). AS MUDANÇAS DA IDENTIDADE CORPORATIVA DA RTP. Uma nova marca: identidade corporativa, valores e logótipos. Artigo no prelo a apresentar em 4th CIDAG –International Conference in Design and Graphic Arts, Barcelona, Espanha.
  • Peres, Marina; Mota, João A. “A MARCA GRÁFICA RTP: A IMAGEM COORDENADA COMO SÍNTESE DE IDENTIDADE,” Poster apresentado em UD’14, 1º Encontro Ibérico de Doutoramentos em Design, 3.º Encontro Nacional de Doutoramentos em Design, Universidade de Aveiro, Aveiro, Novembro 2014.
National conferences
  • Peres, M. (2015). O Design na Gestão da identidade Corporativa – Caso da identidade Corporativa da RTP – Rádio e Televisão de Portugal. 2º Encontro Ibérico de Doutoramentos em Design – UD15 – Universidade de Aveiro.
  • Peres, Marina; Mota, João A. 2013 ““A marca gráfica da RTP – uma imagem coordenada como síntese da identidade”. Actas do UD13, 2º encontro nacional doutoramentos em design. Realizado em 13 de julho de 2013, Porto, Portugal. ISBN a aguardar.
Other publications
  • Peres, M. et al (2021). Shape your City. 360 degrees Interactive exhibition that invites visitors to take part in the co-creation of the Future of Dubai, through an informative and playful journey that merges the physical with the digital and collects realtime inputs to collectively and cumulatively shape the future of our city. Dubai Design Week 8-13 November 2021

Scientific, artistic and cultural production

Technical work
  • Peres, M. (2021) Strategic Design Thinking for Business and Innovation | National Ambassadors Program – Estedad 2021
  • Peres, M. (2021) Design Thinking and Systematic Creativity | University of Groningen – Winter School 2021 | Crisis and Creativity
  • Peres, M. (2016) Talking about design. Design for social impact and innovation. [Paper] Future of Aging in Hong Kong | IIT – ID x PolyU Workshop and Summer Project (PolyU + Chicago University) – PolyU Design – Hong Kong
Other relevant cultural production
  • Peres, M. (2021) Visual culture as a brand | the power of Portuguese legacy as a cultural brand (Ongoing research project and data vizualization). Congresso Internacional de Marcas e denominações de Origem
  • Peres, M., Guerra, G. (2020) ROMARIAS – Broadcast Identity & Motion Graphics | RTP 2020