3RMoMo – Recover, Rethink and Revalue the Modern Movement in Asturias. Architecture and Design (1939-1975)

3RMoMo - Recover, Rethink and Revalue the Modern Movement in Asturias. Architecture and Design (1939-1975)  

 Coordination: Natalia Tielve Garcia and Ana Maria Fernandez Garcia

Nacional Coordination: Fátima Pombo

Reference: PID2021-123042NB-I00


The project Recover, Rethink and Revalue the Modern Movement in Asturias. Architecture and Design (1939-1975) is dedicated to analyzing the process of reception of modern principles in Asturian design and architecture, incorporating a transversal and interdisciplinary approach in which several of the researchers of the group have previously worked.

The practical results that it aspires to achieve should guide future actions and contribute to the preservation of the heritage with respectful interventions, appropriate to their cultural values, in accordance with models and experiences promoted in other areas, especially in the field of the Atlantic Arc, that combine culture, creativity and sustainability.

As an essential contribution, the aim is to make visible a heritage at risk, insufficiently studied that, due to its characteristics, location and lack of social sensitivity, is threatened by deterioration and disappearance. The innovative research path opened by the project, with the integration of new methodological perspectives and analysis proposals, could be applied in the future in other territorial areas.

The analysis of the works, addressed from the present, will reflect the impact that they have had on the spatial layout of cities, and also on the transformations that they have experienced in recent decades. The comparative study between different realities, territories and actions delves deeper into this line of action.

Researchers from:
Universidade de Oviedo (Espanha), Universidade de Aveiro (Portugal), Universidade de Granada (Espanha), Universidade do País Vasco, Universidade Federico II de Nápoles (Itália), Colegio Oficial de Arquitectos de Asturias.

Start/end date Oct 2022 — Dec 2024

Research groups

Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades de Espanha

Duration 26 months

Lead researcher
Fátima Pombo