Artefacto e Cultura: 2.º evento do programa paralelo da exposição Sapatilhas: Marcas Portuguesas, do Estado Novo ao Virar do Milénio, 25 MAR 2023

The second event of the parallel program of the exhibition Sapatilhas: Marcas Portuguesas, do Estado Novo ao Virar do Milénio will feature presentations by Alexandra Beleza Moreira (Universidade de Aveiro, DeCA, ID+) and Mafalda Moreira (The Glasgow School of Art) around the relationship between Culture and Artifact, followed by a debate moderated by Pedro Carvalho de Almeida (exhibition curator).
Alexandra Moreira proposes to question how artifacts and their modes of exhibition can be considered contemporary. Mafalda Moreira considers the use of ancestral approaches, the concept of the Pluriverse, and the coexistence of multiple Realities, questioning how these guidelines can be included in the design and documentation practice for an inclusive and restorative future.
Free entry.
Sapatilhas: Marcas Portuguesas, do Estado Novo ao Virar do Milénio
Curadoria/ Curated by: Pedro Carvalho de Almeida
11.02.2023 - 27.08.2023
Casa do Design, Matosinhos
[entrada livre / free entry]