INVITATION: Opening of the exhibition ‘microMacroMundo’ | i3S/OSMOPE | 21 May, 6pm


Dear friends,

It is with great pleasure that we invite you to take part in the opening of the microMacroMundo exhibition, the culmination of a project that the Osmope school has developed in partnership with i3s - Instituto de Investigação e Inovação em Saúde, which will take place on 21 May at 6pm at the i3s premises, Rua Alfredo Allen 208, 4200-135 Porto.

Please confirm your attendance.


Artistic direction and design by Rita Brandão, PhD student ID+ Porto.


Seres ínfimos que habitam o nosso quotidiano.
Dentro e fora de nós.
Vários mundos micro, num mundo macro
Crianças e adultos que partilham os mesmos espaços,
com olhares e percepções diferentes de uma mesma realidade.