António José de Jesus Gomes

Current positions

  • Professor Adjunto ESAN (UA)

Research Groups


International journals
  • Gomes, A., Fernandes, F. & Branco, V. (2018). A review of Double-Loop Design Management Model. Convergências – Revista de Investigação e Ensino das Artes , VOL XI (21).
International conferences
  • Gomes, A., Torcato, R., Ala, S., & Afreixo, V. (2012). “Learning environments and pedagogical model of an engineering design degree program”. Paper presented at the International Confererence on Engineering and Product Design Education City University, London.
  • Ala, S., Gomes, A., & Torcato, R. (2011). “Product Development Project Courses in an Engineering Design Degree Program”. In E&PDE 2011: Design Education for Creativity and Business Innovation (pp. 379–384). Link
  • Gomes, A. & Branco, V. (2011), How to Measure Design Contribution to the Competitiveness of Companies , DPPI11- 5th conference on Designing Pleasurable Products and Interfaces, Politécnico de Milão, Junho, 2011.
National conferences
  • Gomes, A., & Branco, V. (2012), Gestão do Design e Inovação: fatores chave para o desenvolvimento económico em Portugal, in Sampaio, J. e Reis, M. (eds.), Livro de Atas UDesign’12- 1º Encontro Nacional dos doutoramentos em Design, Universidade de Aveiro, Julho 2012, pp. 225-235.
Other publications
  • Santos, P., Clemente, V. Gomes, A. (2023) Towards Safer Mobility in Cities and Communities: a Framework to Assist the Design Process of Cycling Warning Systems.Human Dynamics and Design for the Development of Contemporary Societies. AHFE (2023) International Conference. [approved]

Scientific, artistic and cultural production

Other scientific activity spreading actions
  • Alvelos, H., Barreto, S., Chatterjee, A., Penedos-Santiago, E., Carvalho de Almeida, P., Gomes, A. and Pereira, J. (2019). Wisdom and Amnesia: media as a key concept for the sustainability of traditional knowledge in design education. Presentation, Encontro Ciência 2019, Organização Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, Centro de congressos de Lisboa, Portugal.