Guilherme Dias Ferreira Braga da Cruz

Guilherme Braga da Cruz is a designer, producer, curator, teacher and design collector.

In 2003, he degree in Product Design in ESAD – Matosinhos, Portugal.


Soon began to work as a freelancer and in 2004 joined the project "design +", a partenership with  Centro Português de Design and start work in the company Brasão,  the current producer of the international brand De La Espada.

From 2007 until now is the Creative Director of the Product Design Department at  DSarquitetos office. In 2009  attended the master's degree "Art and Design for the Public Space" at FBAUP and also co-founded with Diana Sequeira the Show me - design & art gallery, the first contemporary design gallery in Portugal where holds the position of Curator and Creative Director. In the same year he founded the Help Productions and star to producing prototypes and limited editions for national and international designers and artists, which some are international reference names.

Guilherme was invited by the Portuguese Secretary of Culture and by Guta Moura Guedes to be the curator of the exhibition  "LEVE - Design pensado e produzido em Portugal", in  August of 2015 in São Paulo - Brazil, during Design Week, under the Portuguese Design Year 2014/15.

Since 2015, teaches in the Degree of Industrial Design at the Instituto Politécnico do Cávado e do Ave - IPCA, at the Escola Superior de Design as an Assistant Teacher.

In 2016 was invited to be the Production Director of Otiima art works and was responsible for the production of the pieces by José Pedro Croft, the official representative of the Portuguese Government at the 57th Venice Art Biennial.

InvestBraga and by the Câmara Municipal de Braga invited Guilherme, in 2018, to be the Art Director and Curator of the new Municipal Gallery, the Forum Arte Braga, together with Duarte Sequeira.

In that same year was invited by the Portuguese ambassador in Luxembourg - Dr. Carlos Pereira Marques to curate a Portuguese design exhibition in Luxembourg for the DESIGN CITY - LXBG BIENNALE, 5th edition in October.

In 2020, Guilherme decides to deepen his knowledge in the fields of Museology and Collecting, thus starting to attend the Master in Museums at the Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto.

In 2021 obtains the Title of Design Specialist by the Politécnico do Porto. In that same year, was invited by the coordination of Braga's candidacy for European Capital of Culture 2027 to be a Art consultant programming  for the Braga'27 Candidature in the area : Visual Arts and Design.



Current positions

  • Invited Assistant Professor ESD - IPCA
  • Art Director Forum Arte Braga
  • Creative Director Show me - design & art gallery

Research Groups