Joana Ivónia

Designer, activist, and doctoral researcher at the University of Aveiro where she is completing her thesis on the contribution of Design to the reintegration of cycling in school mobility in Aveiro.

Research interests: design and social innovation; systemic design, participatory design, co-design, active and sustainability mobility, urban design. As a researcher and designer activist she is interested and works on projects to promote active school mobility in pre-school and primary school children and to more active and resiliente communities.

Research Groups


  • Providência, F., Quental, J., Abrahão, A., Araújo, B., Pereira, C., Menezes, C., Frias, D., Fonseca, I., Ivónia, J., Ribeiro, M., Martins, O., Arezes, R., Félix, S., Fernandes, S., Pinto, S. (Eds.) (2016) Livro de Resumos do UD16 – 5º Encontro de Doutoramentos em Design. Aveiro. Universidade de Aveiro. Portugal Link
Book chapters
  • Ivónia, J. & Albino, C. (2016). Ciclaveiro actions to promote local businesses through bicycles. In Pinto, António & Pinto, Paula & Furtado Teresa (eds.) Procedings of Cross Media Arts 2016 1st International Conference on Social Arts and Trandisciplinarity. (pp. 99-101). Évora, Ed. Universidade de Évora.
  • Ivónia, J. & Albino, C. (2016). Collaborative design in the significance of the bicycle ecosystem. Abstract in UD15book, pdf avaible at
  • Ivónia, J. & Albino, C. (2016). Collaborative design in the significance of the bicycle ecosystem. In Canli, Ece & Branco, Rita (eds.). Procedings of UD15, Periphery and Promise, 4th PhD in Design Fórum University of Porto, (pp. 126-136). Ed. University of Porto, ISBN: 978-989-98284-3-8; available at:
  • Ivónia, J. & Albino, C. (2016). Ride a bicycle since childhood: contributions of the design for the identity of Aveiro, Cap. 27.  In Sousa, Álvaro; Pereira, Cátia; Providência Francisco. (coord. ed.). Ergotrip Design – coletânea de textos selecionados pela Comissão Científica dos Encontros Internacionais de Estudos Luso-Brasileiros em Design e Ergonomia, (226-235). Aveiro, UA Editora. ISBN 978-972-789-485-7. 
International conferences
  • Ivónia, J. & Albino, C. (2016). Ciclaveiro actions to promote local businesses through bicycles. In Pinto, António & Pinto, Paula & Furtado Teresa (Eds.) Procedings of Cross Media Arts 2016 1st International Conference on Social Arts and Trandisciplinarity. (99-101). Évora, Ed. Universidade de Évora.
  • Ivónia, J. & Albino, C. (2016). Collaborative design in the significance of the bicycle ecosystem. Abstract in UD15book, pdf avaible at
  • Ivónia, J. & Albino, C. (2016). Collaborative design in the significance of the bicycle ecosystem. In Canli, Ece & Branco, Rita (eds.). Procedings of UD15, Periphery and Promise, 4th PhD in Design Fórum University of Porto, (pp. 126-136). Ed. University of Porto, ISBN: 978-989-98284-3-8; available at:
  • Ivónia, J. & Albino, C. (2015). Ride a bicycle since childhood: contributions of the design for the identity of Aveiro. In Sousa, Álvaro; Pereira, Cátia; Providência Francisco (eds.) 4º Ergo Tripdesign Aveiro 2015, Book of abstract. p. 39. Aveiro, Ed. UA Editora, Universidade de Aveiro, ISNN 978-972-789-461-1, Available at
Other publications
  • Ivónia, J. & Albino, C. & Mota, C. (2018) Design in Building Collaborative Networks for the Enhancement of Territories: Mini Whels Case. In Moreno, A., Chatterjee, A., Herbawi, B., Vieira-da-Silva, D., Luna, F., Sá, G., Alvelos, H., Mendes, M., Néo, M.B., Zanini, M.R., Mourão, S., Meira, S. (2023). Poster of a Doctorate. PhD Design 2016-2023+. Porto, Portugal: ID+Instituição de Investigação em Design, Media e Cultura. ISBN 978-989-53056-3-6.

Scientific, artistic and cultural production

Other relevant cultural production
  • Albino, Cláudia (2019) Participação em co-autoria com Joana Ivónia& Albino & José Mota no Encontro Ciência’19 – Encontro com a Ciência e Tecnologia em Portugal. Lisboa. com o poster científico Design in Building collaborative networks for the enhancement of territories: mini whells case.