Patrícia Nogueira

Patrícia Nogueira is a documentary filmmaker, a Professor and a researcher.

Ph.D. in Digital Media - specialized in audiovisual and interactive content creation - a joint program by the University of Porto and the New University of Lisbon, under the University of Texas at Austin - Portugal international program, with a Master Degree in Documentary Film and Photography by ESMAE. During 2015 Patrícia was in residence at the National Film Board of Canada and in 2016 she was a visiting researcher at the University of Texas at Austin.

Nogueira is an Assistant Professor at ISMAI - University of Maia, and an invited Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Coimbra. Along with Andrew Garrison, she co-created and co-teaches the class "Death and Documentary" (, running both at the University of Texas and ISMAI .

As filmmaker she focuses mainly in women's stories and lanscape cinema. Her films have been selected for festivals around the world, namely Europe, USA and Canada, and screened in theatres and Museums.

She is a researcher at ICNOVA - iNOVA Media Lab and co-leads the european research group CCVA - Cinema and Contemporary Visual Arts, under NECS ( Her research interests cover all forms of documentary film - analog, digital, interactive - and delve into Feminist Film Studies, Expanded Cinema and Digital Culture.

Current positions

  • Professor Universidade da Maia - ISMAI
  • Invited Professor Universidade de Coimbra

Research Groups


  • Maciel, D., Nogueira, P., Ribeiro, J., Viana, C. E. (2020). Viana Film Meetings: 7th Viana International Cinema Conference 2018. Viana do Castelo: AO NORTE. Link
International journals
  • Nogueira, P. (2016). Participative Interactive Documentary as a fragmented and “deterritorialized” archive. Cinergie: Il Cinema e Le Altre Art, 10, 156–164. Link
  • Nogueira, P. (2020). Ways of affection: How interactive documentaries affect the interactor’s felt experience and performance. New Cinemas: Journal of Contemporary Film, 17(1), 49–68. Link
  • Nogueira, P. & Da Fonte, Y. S. (2021). Entre o jornalismo e o ativismo: o documentário interativo enquanto meio de mobilização afetiva nas questões de género. Media & Jornalismo, 21(38), 15-37. Link

Scientific, artistic and cultural production

Other scientific activity spreading actions
  • Nogueira, P. “Between film and the museum: the transmutability of images in the work of Salomé Lamas “, NECS Annual Conference – European Network for Cinema and Media Studies, University of Gdansk, Poland, 13-15 June, 2019.
  • Nogueira, P. “Space on and off screen: migration of the Landscape Cinema from the movie theatre to the museum”, Besides the Screen annual conference, Porto (ISMAI) / London (King’s College), Porto, 22-24 July, 2020.
  • “Rethinking Hollywood to prevent abuse: representation of women in teen movie”, International Meeting ‘Educational intervention to prevent Dating Violence among adolescents’, Alicante University (Spain), 23-24 October, 2019 (invited speaker).
  • “Global Learning and the Arts”, in Global Virtual Exchange Web Forum, organizado pelo dep. Internacional da University of Texas at Austin, USA, 3rd June, 2020
  • Nogueira, P. ” Memento Mori: representação post-mortem na Fotografia e Cinema Documental”, Congreso Internacional Imagen y Reconocimiento, UFV Madrid / Universidade de Coimbra, Coimbra, 2 – 5 March, 2021.
  • Nogueira, P. “Death and Documentary: Body as a State of Transition”, NECS Annual Conference – European Network for Cinema and Media Studies, NECS / University of Palermo, Palermo, 10 – 12 June, 2021.
  • Nogueira, P. & Amaral, I., “Interacting with Gender Violence: Interactive Documentary as a Means of Social Engagement and Affective Mobilization”, Interactive Film and Media Conference 2021, Ryerson University (Canada), The Glasgow School of Art (Scotland), University of Sao Paulo (Brazil), The University of Texas at Dallas (USA), Toronto, 5 – 7 August, 2021.
  • Nogueira, P.; Santos, S.; Amaral, I. & Simões, R. B., “Stranger Things: connecting with a past that never was”, 8th European Communication Conference, European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA), Braga, 6 – 8 September, 2021.