Rachel Zuanon is a CNPq Research Productivity Fellowship. Media artist and designer. Founder and coordinator of the DASMind-UNICAMP [Design, Art, Space and Mind: Internacional Transdisciplinary Cooperation in Research, Innovation and Outreach Network]. Professor and researcher in the Arts Institute and in the Faculty of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Urban Design, both at the State University of Campinas [UNICAMP], Brazil. Honored and awarded with important international and national prizes, since 1998 she has been dedicated her researches, artworks and design developments to the cooperation between Neuroscience, Artificial Intelligence, Creative Process and Design Process. Her scientific researches, artworks and design projects have been exhibited and published in several well-reputed international and national periodical and books in the fields, and presented in a number of countries such as Canada, China, Japan, Germany, Greece, Luxembourg, Portugal, Singapore, Taiwan, Turkey, UK, USA, Vienna, among others.
Current positions
- Fundadora e Coordenadora da Rede DASMind-UNICAMP [Rede Internacional de Cooperação Transdisciplinar em Pesquisa, Inovação e Entensão em Design, Arte, Espaço e Mente]. Docente e Pesquisadora do Instituto de Artes [IA-UNICAMP] da Faculdade de Engenharia Civil, Arquitetura e Urbanismo [FECFAU-UNICAMP] UNICAMP - Universidade Estadual de Campinas
PhD Details
- Title Computador Vestível Afetivo Co-evolutivo: processos de comunicação entre corpos biológico e tecnológico
- Field Comunicação e Semiótica
- Year 2007