Raul Pereira Pinto

Born in 1978, in South Africa, studied in Portugal and opened his own design studio focused on interior and product design (Estúdio Ama) after graduating in Product Design (ARCA-EUAC). In 2009 received his M.Sc. in Engineering Design (IST) and in 2011 the title of Specialist in Product Design (IPG; IPL; IPVC). Working as a lecturer since 2010: IPG, IPV, UA in Portugal and IEU in Turkey, at the is moment Project Manager (Design Led Developer) at Design Factory Aveiro in Creative Science Park. He is currently a PhD candidate at the University of Aveiro where he is studding and working with biological generative systems, looking for alternative production tools aimed at customization.

Research Groups


Book chapters
  • Maia, P. & Pinto, R. (2021). Preserving heritage through new narratives: designing a guesthouse within a multidisciplinary team. In Fátima Pombo (org.) OIKOS – Design for Ecosystemic Spaces, Aveiro: Universidade de Aveiro, (pp 79-98), ISBN 978-972-789-695-0
  • Pinto, R. & Maia, P. (2021). Narratives in Biodesign: between poiesis and praxis. In Arruda, A. & Langella, C. (2021, no prelo). “Diseño, Innovación y Transdisciplinariedad”: Relaciones del Diseño com la Naturaleza, la Biología y la Tecnología. Facultad de Diseño y Comunicación: UP | UFPE | Vanvitelli
International journals
  • Maia, P. & Pinto, R. (2020). Preserving heritage through new narratives: designing a guesthouse within a multidisciplinary team. SOPHIA Journal: Visual spaces of change: designing interiority – shelter, shape, place, atmosphere. ISSN 2183-8976 [Print] 2183-9468 [Online]. Volume 5, Issue 1 | Publication year: 2020. DOI 10.24840/2183-8976_2019-0005_0001_03
  • Franqueira, T., Pereira, C., Pinto, R.; Gomes, G. (2017) Setting-up a Design Factory within a Creative Science Park @Aveiro Region, The Design Journal, 20:sup1, S622-S634, DOI: 10.1080/14606925.2017.1353010
International conferences
  • Maia, P. & Pinto, R. (2023). Original-Copy: ideation for a lampshade inspired by nature. AHFE 2023: Vol. XX, 2023 doi: 10.54941/ahfeXXXX
  • PINTO, Raul; AFONSO, Ana; LARANJEIRA, Inês; FRANQUEIRA, Teresa; MENDONÇA, Rui (2011) – Bees: new creative agents; DPPI’11- Designing Pleasurable Products and Interfaces; Jun 2011, Milano

Scientific, artistic and cultural production

  • Maia, Pedro; Pinto, Raul. 2012. “Embalagem Mistolin – Unão Europeia”. Portugal.
  • Maia, Pedro; Pinto, Raul. 2016. “Embalagem Mistolin – Argelia”. Argélia