Sérgio Manuel Coimbra Lemos

Born in Porto (1970), he holds a degree in design from Esad Matosinhos (1996), a postgraduate degree in industrial design from the Glasgow School of Art and a Masters and a PhD in Design from the University of Aveiro (UA).

He taught in the design course of UA, Polytechnic Institutes of Viana do Castelo, Guarda, Barcelos and Aveiro Norte and is currently Assistant Professor in the design course at the University of Madeira.

Due to his  keen interest in all issues regarding sustainability and social responsibility in design and the development of the project “Feel Planet Earth” between UA and Vista Alegre, he pursue a PhD and applied to a full FCT’s (Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia) scholarship, which he was awarded.

For the duration of the PhD, he  explored Product Design, Craft design and Design for Social Innovation as solutions to sustainability. Therefore, following a residence and the developed of an artistic project in Fiskars (Fiskars Air, Finland 2011), he designed a model and set a few guidelines for intervening in the local community of Serra d’Arga in Portugal. These guidelines worked as a backdrop to the intervention and resulted in a workshop - the craft design studio and brand Darga crafts©. This workshop continues to operate and works as a link between his  teaching and design practice.

He designed products and graphic solutions; cultural festivals and exhibitions that involved public institutions, companies and artisanal communities. Nowadays, both their design projects and their teaching and research activities are focused on the search for solutions based on the relationship between design, craft and nature’s forms and systems.

Current positions

  • Assistant Professor University of Madeira

Research Groups


  • Lemos, S. (2014) Trilhos na Floresta – Imersões criativas no âmbito do Design Social. Aveiro: Universidade de Aveiro.
  • Lemos, S. (2006) Artefactos economizadores de espaço. Aveiro: Universidade de Aveiro. Link
  • Lemos, S. (2019). Guarda Ninhos: Craft e Design da Cestaria de Gonçalo (Coordination and Editorial Production). Edition University of Madeira. Funchal ISBN: 978-989-8805-52-2 Link
Book chapters
  • Fernandes, M. (2019). Estudo etnobotânico da matéria-prima usada na cestaria de vime em Gonçalo (Guarda). In (2019) Lemos, S. Guarda Ninhos: Craft e Design da Cestaria de Gonçalo. Ed. University of Madeira. Funchal ISBN: 978-989-8805-52-2 Link
National journals
  • Lemos, S.; Providência, F.( 2007) Objectos colapsáveis, encartáveis, ou simplesmente, economizadores de espaço. Revista Arquitectura e Vida, Porto, série 1. Link
  • Lemos, S.; Bessa, P.; Nunes, J. (2011). Craft design e natureza: uma experiência laboratorial na Serra d’Arga e na aldeia de Covas. Revista Tecnometal, Coimbra, 193, Março.
International conferences
  • Lemos, S.; Bessa, P.; Nunes, J. (2009) Social responsibility design, a model for sustainable development: a case study – Universidade de Aveiro & Vista Alegre. First International Conference on Integration of Design, Engineering and Management for innovation IDEMI09. Porto, 14-15 September.
  • Lemos, S.;Bessa, P.; Nunes, J. (2009) Design e Desenvolvimento Sustentado: estudo de caso de uma ‘residencial laboratorial’ desenvolvida em 2007/08 na Vista Alegre, em parceria com o curso de Licenciatura em Design da UA. EDesign – Congresso do Ensino Superior de Design, Culturgest. Lisbon, 6 – 7 November.
  • Lemos, S.; Alexandre, B.; Ares (2021). Impact of technological facilitators in the design and artisanal production processes. The Guarda Ninhos Project – craft and design of Gonçalo’s basketry. MESIC’9 – Manufacturing Engineering Society International Conference. Proceedings Publication ISBN: 978-84-09-29229-5. Oviedo University. Gijón. 23-25 June 2021
  • Chakraborty, S.; Lemos, S.; Lourenço, P.; Andrade, U.; Barradas, V. (2019). Impact of Digital Fabrication and Virtual Reality on Design Process
- Application of Computational Design Tools to A Classical Design Project. 4D Conference – Meanings of Design in the Next Era. Proceedings Publication ISBN: 978-4-600-00239-8. Ritsumeikan University. Osaka. 21-23 October 2019
  • Lemos, S.; Bessa, P.; Nunes, J. (2011). Design Social: Estudo de caso na Serra d’Arga e na aldeia de Covas. VI Congresso Internacional de Pesquisa em Design. Lisboa: Universidade Técnica de Lisboa.
Other publications
  • Lemos, S. (2017) Referred and interviewed by Cadavez, C. (writer). Lá-Lá Madeira Toys (Television series ep. 19 season IX – at minute 8:47). In RTP Madeira (Producer), CASA DAS ARTES. portugal: Series Produced by Rádio Televisão Portuguesa (RTP). Link
  • Lemos, S. (2018) Referred and interviewed by Stichini, J. (writer), & Gambino, F. (Director). Colher D’Arga – Sérgio Lemos (Television series nº 2 episode 22 In RTP2). Other Features (Producer), CRIAR.PT. portugal: Series Produced by Rádio Televisão Portuguesa (RTP) Link
  • Lemos, S. (2019) Referred and interviewed by Sequeira, C. (writer). Designer Sérgio Lemos (Television series episode 32- at minute 8:47). In RTP Madeira (Producer), CASA DAS ARTES. portugal: Series Produced by Rádio Televisão Portuguesa (RTP) Link
  • Lemos, S. (2011) Fiskars Village Artist in Residence: Research report. University of Aveiro, Portugal: FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia Reports Link
  • Lemos, S. (2014)Referred and interviewed by Mendonça, B. (writer); Miranda, T. (Director). Os próprios médicos prescrevem trabalhos manuais às pessoas viradas do capacete (weekly journal). In EXPRESSO (Producer), UM PAÍS COM QUILÓMETROS DE HISTÓRIAS. Portugal: Series Produced by Expresso Impresa Publishing S.A. Link
  • Lemos, S.; Nunes, J.; Bessa, P. (2011) – “Craft design e natureza: uma experiência laboratorial na Serra d’Arga e na aldeia de Covas”, revista Tecnometal [AIMMAP], n.º 193, Março/Abril 2011, pp. 6-14
  • Lemos, S.; Providência, F. (2007) – Investigação em design da Universidade de Aveiro. Poster presented at Bienal de Cerveira, Vila Nova de Cerveira.

Scientific, artistic and cultural production

Technical work
  • LEMOS, S. (2018). Perito em Design em “Aquisição de Serviços de Perito externo para projetos empreendedorismo inclusivo: oportunidade Y negocio” projecto europeu financiado; ADM Estrela, Universidade de Salamanca e Instituto Politecnico da Guarda, 2018.
Scientific events organization
  • Lemos, S. (2021) Member of the Scientific Committee of nº 5 of Ergotrip Design. Periodical magazine of Portuguese-Brazilian studies in Design and Ergonomics.
Other scientific activity spreading actions
  • Lemos, S. (2015) Design Scientific Consultancy at Ciclos de Festivais de Cultura Popular da Guarda – Craft & Design Products for Social Innovation. Guarda municipality
  • Lemos, S. (2018) Design Scientific Consultancy at Guarda 2027 – cidade candidata Capital Europeia da Cultura – Craft & Design Products for Social Innovation. Guarda municipality
  • Lemos, S. (2019) Design Scientific Consultancy at committee for the creation of a new Master in Design (Department of Art and Design). University of Madeira
  • Lemos, S. (2016) Member of the Scientific Committee
 Master Programme in Spatial Design. University of Madeira. Portugal.
  • Lemos, S. (2016) Member of the Scientific Committee
 Department of Art and Design (DAD). University of Madeira. Portugal.