Sílvia Daniela Soares is a Strategic Designer, innovator and researcher, passionate and dedicated to the development of sustainable innovation combining design with other multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary knowledge areas, to respond to societal challenges.
She has a degree in Communication Design from the Fine Arts Faculty of the University of Porto (FBAUP, 2001), a Master Degree in Design (2006) and a PhD in Art and Design also from FBAUP (2015).
Since 2019, Sílvia is a integrated researcher in the ID+ Research Unit / Communication and Art Department of UA, on behalf of the Scientific Employment Stimulus (CEEC Individual — 1st Edition), with a grant financed by FCT. This research project includes the research and development of innovative solutions for the real world to promote the reuse of food glass packaging, both for non-prepacked food and prepacked food. Besides its contribution to the reduction of the environmental impact of the food packaging, the project also aims to contributing to the improvement of food security, food literacy and health promotion.
In the field of Knowledge and Technology Transfer, she collaborates with the industry as a Strategic Design consultant, and she is Co-founder of Pavnext. With this project, she has won nineteen innovation awards from different international and national institutes including the European Commission, the European Institute of Innovation & Technology (EIT), Vodafone, IAPMEI and others. Silvia also has won the award for the Best Student from FBAUP.
In the field of Teaching, she has an extensive experience as a University professor, exercising the activity since 2001, when she was graduated. In the period 2001-2019 she has been responsible (regent) and lecturer of several undergraduate and graduate courses offered by the Department of Communication and Arts of the University of Beira Interior (UBI), such as Industrial Design, Multimedia Design, Fashion Design, Architecture and Marketing. She has hold positions of Member of the Scientific Committee in multiple departments and cycles of studies at UBI and participated in the creation of new Study Cycles and in the reformulation of existing ones, as well as in the creation of new Curricular Units and reformulation of existing ones. She has supervised Master Thesis works and she was also member and chairman of several Masters Juries.
Silvia has participated and collaborated in organizing applications for FCT and European research projects, such as: Strategic Project (Pest-OE/COM/UI0661/2011) financed by FCT (2011-2012); Project “U.MAKE.ID” (CENTRO-01-0247-FEDER-003385) financed by the PORC - R&D Projects Companies in Co-Promotion , within the scope of Portugal 2020 (2016-2018); Pavnext Project with ESA - BIC Portugal (ESA BIC 17/2018), funded by AIDST, Portugal (2018-2020); Pavnext Project with SME instrument (contract 807942), funded by the European Commission (2018).
Current positions
- Junior Researcher, CEEC grant holder University of Aveiro
PhD Details
- Title Design e Bem-Estar: Uma estratégia para promover um estilo de vida ativo e combater a obesidade dos jovens
- Field Design
- Year 2015
Research Groups
Book chapters
- Soares, S., Mendonça, R., Duarte, F. & Garganta, R. (2015). Design e Bem Estar. Contributo de uma estratégia na alteração do estado mudança de comportamento em relação à atividade física dos jovens. In Paiva, F. e Moura, C. (Orgs.). Designa 2015: Identidade/ Identity, (Book) pp. 363-376. Covilhã: Serviços Gráficos da Universidade da Beira Interior [ISBN 978-989-654-263-4]
- Soares, S., Mendonça, R.; Duarte, F. & Garganta, R. (2015). Estratégia de Design. Contributo na alteração do comportamento sedentário e combate à obesidade dos jovens. In Alvelos, H. et al. (2015). Proceedings of UD15: Periphery and Promise 4th PhD in Design Forum. University of Porto 19 + 20 OCT 2015 (Book), pp.169-182. Oporto: University of Porto [ISBN 978-989-98284-3-8].
- Soares, S.,Mendonça, R., Duarte, F. & Garganta, R. (2015). Proposta de uma Estratégia de Design em associação às Tecnologias Digitais Interativas e Gamification, para promover um Estilo de Vida Ativo e combater a Obesidade dos Jovens. In Bastos, P. (Org.). 14th International Meeting of Art and Technology: #14.ART: ART AND HUMAN ENHANCEMENT (Book), pp. 84-88. Aveiro: UA Editora [ISBN 978-972-789-458-1].
International journals
- Sílvia Soares, Rui Garganta, Francisco Duarte, Nuno Corte-Real, Rui Mendonça (2014) – Contributo de uma Campanha Stand-Alone Mass Media e de um Programa de Intervenção na alteração do comportamento sedentário de jovens. Revista Portuguesa de Ciências do Desporto 2014/3. Revista indexada com circulação internacional e com revisão por pares.
- Soares, Sílvia; Pereira, Madalena; Trindade, Isabel; Mendonça, Rui, “The Smart Fashion Design as a Means of Interpersonal Communication/Socialization in Real Space”, Design Principles and Practices. A International Journal, ISSN: 1833-1874 (no prelo) (Indexed to Scopus 2012).
National journals
- Sílvia Soares, Rui Garganta, Francisco Duarte, Nuno Corte-Real, Rui Mendonça (2014) – Contributo de uma Campanha Stand-Alone Mass Media e de um Programa de Intervenção na alteração do comportamento sedentário de jovens. Revista Portuguesa de Ciências do Desporto 2014/3. Revista indexada com circulação internacional e com revisão por pares.
International conferences
- Madureira, G., Soares, S., Oliveira, J. (2024). Product Design, Food and Wellness: Exploring the Symbiosis of Artificial, Natural and Human Experience
- Soares, R., Sousa, C., Soares, S., Moreira, A., da Silva, M. V., & Freitas, M. (2024). Determinação de alergénios de amendoim e amêndoa em alimentos comercializados não pré-embalados. RevSALUS – Revista Científica Internacional Da Rede Académica Das Ciências Da Saúde Da Lusofonia, 5(Supii), 52.. https://doi.org/10.51126/revsalus.v5iSupii.718 Link
- Soares, S., Mendonça, R.; Duarte, F. e Garganta, R. (2016). Design and Wellness: A Srategy to Increase Physical Activity and Fight Obesity among Adolescents. Proceedings of 10th International Conference on Design Principles and Practices. Design Principles and Practices an International Journal [ISSN 1833-1874].
- Soares, S., Mendonça, R., Duarte, F. and Garganta, R. (2015). Uma Estratégia para a promoção de um Estilo de Vida Ativo e combate à Obesidade dos Jovens. Panel 3: Research about spaces, design and contemporary culture, Part II — Design. Communication in the First Event of the Nucleus of Art and Design, 22 April 2015, Faculdade de Belas Artes da Universidade do Porto, Porto, Portugal.
- Soares, S.; Mendonça, R.; Duarte, F. & Garganta, R. (2015). Design e Bem Estar. Contributo para a mudança de comportamento em relação à atividade física dos jovens. Proceedings of the International Conference on Research in Design, Designa 2015: Identity, Covilhã: Serviços Gráficos da Universidade da Beira Interior, pp. 363-376. [ISBN 978-989-654-262-7].
- Soares, S.; Mendonça, R.; Duarte, F. & Garganta, R. (2015). Estratégia de Design. Contributo na alteração do comportamento sedentário e combate à obesidade dos jovens. Proceedings of the 4th PhD Design Research Forum. Porto: Universidade do Porto, pp.169-182. [ISBN:978-989-98284-3-8]
- Soares, S.; Mendonça, R.; Duarte, F. & Garganta, R. (2015). Proposta de uma Estratégia de Design em associação às Tecnologias Digitais Interativas e Gamification, para promover um Estilo de Vida Ativo e combater a Obesidade dos Jovens. Proceedings of the conference 14th International Meeting of Art and Technology: #14.ART: ART AND HUMAN ENHANCEMENT, pp. 84-88. Aveiro: UA Editora. [ISBN 978-972-789-458-1].
Other publications
- Soares, S., Mendonça, R., Duarte, F. and Garganta, R. (2016). Design and Wellness: A Srategy to Increase Physical Activity and Fight Obesity among Adolescents. Communication in the 10th International Conference on Design Principles and Practices, 25-27 February 2016, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
- Soares, S.; Mendonça, R.; Duarte, F. & Garganta, R. (2015). O design estratégico como agente sistémico na sociedade contemporânea. Design I-Con — International Congress Design, Design Contents, p. 61-65. Porto: AND — Associação Nacional de Designers. [Número Inaugural com o Alto Patrocínio de sua Excelência O Presidente da República].
- Soares, S.; Mendonça, R.; Duarte, F. & Garganta, R. (2015). O design estratégico como agente sistémico na sociedade contemporânea. Presentation on Design I-Con — International Congress Design, Design Contents, 19-26 September 2015, Casa Museu Teixeira Lopes, Vila Nova de Gaia, Portugal.
Scientific, artistic and cultural production
- Duarte, F., Cristovão, P., Soares, S. (2013). National trademark registration 514678 — AxleCole
- Soares, S. (2017). National trademark registration nº 581593 — PAVNEXT
- Duarte, F., Soares, S. (2017). National trademark registration n.º 589373 — Design Loves Cork