Silvina Luisa Rodrigues Félix da Silva

Silvina Félix is a designer and assistant professor at the School of Design, Management and Production Technologies Northern Aveiro since 2009. Graduated in Communication Design at the University of Aveiro (2001), she finished her PhD in Design in 2019 with the doctoral thesis “Design for additive manufacturing: contributions from a paradigm shift production to designers practice”, under the status of Investigation Scholarship Holder of Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (SFRH/ BD/115246/2016). Her research interests focus on Design for Additive Manufacturing Methodologies in Design Education context and the role of Drawing /Sketching in the Creative Design Process.

Current positions

  • Assistant Professor School of Design, Management and Production Technologies Northern Aveiro at University of Aveiro

PhD Details

  • Title Design for additive manufacturing: contributions from a production paradigm shift to designer's practice
  • Field Design for additive manufacturing
  • Year 2019

Research Groups


  • Pombo, F., Felix S. (2020) Guest Editors. SOPHIA Journal. Visual Spaces of Change: Designing Interiority in Architecture – Shelter, Shape, Place, Atmosphere, number 5. ISSN 2183-8976
  • Pereira, C., Fonseca, I., Martins, O., Arezes, R., & Félix, S. (Eds.). (2017). “Livro de Atas UD16 – 5º Encontro de Doutoramentos em Design”. Aveiro: UA Editora · Universidade de Aveiro Serviços de Biblioteca, Informação Documental e Museologia. ISBN 978-972-789-504-5 Link
Book chapters
  • Félix, S., Reis, M. (2023). Product design education: a kit for building empathy. In: Daniel Raposo, Nuno Martins, Daniel Br and ão (eds) Human Dynamics and Design for the Development of Contemporary Societies. AHFE (2023) International Conference. AHFE Open Access, vol 81. AHFE International, USA. Link
  • Santos, S.; Félix, S. & Rodrigues, H. (2023). Realidade Aumentada como Ferramenta para a Sustentabilidade Cultural. In: F. Pombo (ed.) (2023). Design para ideias ecossistémicas. Transição para um Futuro Sustentável. UA Editora: Universidade de Aveiro. ISBN – 978-972-789-854-1
  • Félix, S., Reis, M. (2023) Product design education: a kit for building empathy. Human Dynamics and Design for the Development of Contemporary Societies. AHFE (2023) International Conference. Link
  • Reis, M., Félix, S., & Ala, S. (2022). Improving communication skills of product design students by fostering the link between companies and academia. In La comunicación como herramienta post COVID-19 (pp. 65–75). Universidad de Alicante. Link
  • Reis, M., & Félix, S. (2022). Improving communication skills of product design students by fostering the link between companies and academia. In Libro de resúmenes del III CINCOMA (Congreso Internacional de Innovación en Comunicación y Medios Audiovisuales) Colección Mundo Digital | 23 (p. 113). Universidad de Alicante. Link
  • Reis, M. & Félix, S. (2021). Digital portfolio as a communication tool in product design. In J. Herrero-Gutiérrez, T. Hidalgo-Marí y A. Bernabéu-Serrano (Coords.), Comunicación en cuarentena: el cambio mediático en pandemia (pp. 139-151). Alicante: Colección Mundo Digital. ISBN:978-84-09-34686-8 Link
  • Félix, S. (2021) Digital Sketching to Improve Sketching Practice in Design Higher Education. In Pombo, F. (ed.) OIKOS-Design for Ecosystemic Spaces. Aveiro: Universidade de Aveiro Ed. (pp. 109-118) ISBN 978-972-789-695-0
  • Fonseca, I., & Félix, S. (2016). Design de uma interface digital para seniores analfabetos. In Á. Sousa, F. Providência, & C. Pereira (Eds.), Ergotrip Design – coletânea de textos selecionados pela Comissão Científica dos Encontros Internacionais de Estudos Luso-Brasileiros em Design e Ergonomia. Aveiro: UA Editora. ISBN: 978-972-789-485-7. Link
International journals
  • Félix, S., Dias, N., Clemente, V. (2017). Designing for additive manufacturing: a design research methodology. The Design Journal, 20 (sup1): S4754-S4757, DOI: 10.1080/14606925.2017.1352981
International conferences
  • Félix, S., Reis, M. (2023). Product design education: a kit for building empathy. In: Daniel Raposo, Nuno Martins, Daniel Br and ão (eds) Human Dynamics and Design for the Development of Contemporary Societies. AHFE (2023) International Conference. AHFE Open Access, vol 81. AHFE International, USA. Link
  • Felix S., & Clemente V. (2022) Tell Me Your Story: Digital Storytelling as a Teaching and Communication Tool ISSN: 2758-0989 – The European Conference on Arts, Design & Education 2022 Official Conference Proceedings Link
  • Félix, S. Dias, N., Clemente, V. (2018) Additive Manufacturing artefacts: an evaluation matrix proposal. In O. Moret (Ed.), Back to the Future The Future in the Past. ICDHS 10th+1 Barcelona 2018 Conference Proceedings Book. (pp. 787-791)
Other publications
  • Félix, Silvina (2019) Design para fabrico aditivo: contributos de uma mudança de paradigma construtivo para a prática do designer. Tese de doutoramento em Design, Universidade de Aveiro Link

Scientific, artistic and cultural production

Technical work
  • Félix, S. (2023) Membro da Comissão Científica da Conferência Internacional UD22 – 8.º Encontro de Doutoramento em Design , Universidade de Aveiro
  • Félix, S. (2021) Member of the Scientific Committee for 2nd SAM · Sustainable and Smart Advanced Manufacturing Meeting, Oliveira de Azeméis, 21st – 22nd October 2021
  • Félix, S. (2020) Reviewer for SOPHIA Journal. Visual Spaces of Change: Designing Interiority in Architecture – Shelter, Shape, Place, Atmosphere, number 5. ISSN 2183-8976
  • Félix, S. (2019) Member of the Scientific Committee for UNIDCOM/IADE – Conference Senses & Sensibility – “Lost in (G)localization”, Lisbon 27th-29th November 2019
Scientific events organization
  • Pombo, F. & Félix, S (2022) Organisation and Chair Table “More Sustainable Design and Audiovisual Media” in CINCOMA – III Congreso Internacional de Innovacion en Comunicación y Medios Audiovisuales, 19th-22nd September 2022, Alicante, Spain
  • Félix, S. (2021) Member of the Organization Committee of 2nd SAM · Sustainable and Smart Advanced Manufacturing Meeting, Oliveira de Azeméis, 21st – 22nd October 2021
  • Pombo, F. & Félix, S (2021) (org and chair) Table 4 – Life Cycle Design and Audiovisual Media in CINCOMA – II Congreso Internacional de Innovacion en Comunicación y Medios Audiovisuales, 19th-22nd October 2021, Alicante, Spain,
  • Félix, S. (2016) Member of the Organization Committee of International Conference UD 16 – 5th PDH in Design Reseach Meeting
Other scientific activity spreading actions
  • Félix, S. (2023, July 24) Product design education: a kit for building empathy. Paper presented at 14th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE 2023) San Francisco. USA
  • Félix, S. (2022, July 10) Tell Me Your Story: Digital Storytelling as a Teaching and Communication Tool. Paper presented at The European Conference on Arts, Design & Education, Porto
  • Félix, S. (2019, November 11). Introducing additive manufacturing learning in design courses: an empirical study. Paper presented at Senses & Sensibility 2019 Lost in (G) locatization – 10th UNIDCOM/ IADE Internacional Conference, Lisboa
  • Vieira, M., Tavares, S. & Félix, S. (2023, May 25) Coral Reef Restoration (A new nature centered design approach) [Conference session] 6th International Conference on Technologies for the Wellbeing and Sustainable Manufacturing Solutions, University of Aveiro