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- Moreno, A., Chatterjee, A., Herbawi, B., Vieira-da-Silva, D., Luna, F., Sá, G., Alvelos, H., Mendes, M., Néo, M.B., Zanini, M.R., Mourão, S., Meira, S. (2023) “Poster of a Doctorate. PhD Design 2016-2023+”. Porto, Portugal: ID+Instituição de Investigação em Design, Media e Cultura. Link
- Alvelos, Heitor, Abhishek Chatterjee, Marisa Ferreira, e Alba Plaza (eds.) (2021). Tilegeist: Azulejos do Porto recovered, reinvented and repurposed. Porto: ID+ / Unexpected Media Lab, 2021. ISBN 978-989-53056-0-5. Link
- Alvelos, H., Chatterjee, A., de Almeida, P. C. (eds.) (2021) “Anti-Amnesia: Design Research as an Agent for Narrative and Material Regeneration and Reinvention of Vanishing Portuguese Manufacturing Cultures and Techniques”. Porto: ID+ / Unexpected Media Lab, 2021. ISBN 978-989-33-1204-9. Link
Book chapters
- Chatterjee, A. (2023). An Untitled Document. In H. Alvelos, F. França, & S. Lélis (Eds.), The Wreckage We Call Progress: Repurposing Memes, Legislation and VHS (pp. 33-39). Porto, Portugal: ID+ Unexpected Media Lab / University of Porto. Link
- Brandão Pereira, J.; Alvelos, H.; & Chatterjee, A. (2021). “Design education as research path towards the heritage and semantics of the Portuguese graphic tradition of ‘Azulejos’”. In Griffin, H. (ed.), AMPS Proceedings Series 20.2. Connections: Exploring Heritage, Architecture, Cities, Art, Media, pp.308-315. Kent, Reino Unido: AMPS PROCEEDINGS SERIES 20.2 Link
- Martins N., Alvelos, H., Barreto, S., Chatterjee, A., Penedos-Santiago, E., Lima, C., & Quintela, M. (2020). E-learning as a Strategic Solution for the Preservation and Revitalization of Disappearing Industrial Cultures in Portugal. In S. Nazir, T. Ahram & W. Karwowski (eds), Advances in Human Factors in Training, Education, and Learning Sciences. AHFE 2020. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 1211. Springer, Cham. Link
- Martins, N., Alvelos, H., Barreto, S., Chatterjee, A., Penedos-Santiago, E., Quintela, M., Lima, C. (2022). Anti-Amnesia: Developing a Collaborative e-learning and Digital Archive Platform Towards Contributing to the Preservation and Revitalization of Handicrafts Industries. In: Duarte, E., Rosa, C. (eds) Developments in Design Research and Practice. Senses 2019. Springer Series in Design and Innovation , vol 17. Springer, Cham. Link
- Martins, Nuno, Heitor Alvelos, Abhishek Chatterjee, e Sara Silva (2020). Resgatando o património do artesanato português através dos meios digitais. In Sousa, Álvaro, e José Guilherme Santa Rosa (Org.). Usabilidade: interfaces e comunicação visual. Contributos para a cultura do design. Aveiro: Universidade de Aveiro, 2020. Link
- Chatterjee, A., & Alvelos, H. (2020). Hands versus Fingers: Leveraging digital technology towards sustaining traditional crafts and industrial practices. In N. Martins, D. Brandão, & D. Raposo (Eds.), Perspectives on Design and Digital Communication – Research, Innovations and Best Practices (pp. 197–209). Link
- Martins, N., Alvelos, H., Chatterjee, A., & Silva, S. (2020). Resgatando o património do artesanato português através dos meios digitais. In Á. Sousa & J. G. Santa Rosa (Eds.), Usabilidade, interfaces e comunicação visual: contributos para a cultura do design (pp. 47–52). Aveiro: UA Editora Link
- Martins, N., Alvelos, H., Barreto, S., Chatterjee, A., Penedos-Santiago, E., Lima, C., Silva, S. (2020). The Viability of Heritage Craft in a Global Marketplace: Four Case Studies in Portugal, 2019. In L. Farinha & D. Raposo (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Driving Industrial Competitiveness With Innovative Design Principles (pp. 249–264). Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
- Alvelos, H., Barreto, S., Chatterjee, A., Penedos-Santiago, E. (2020). On the brink of dissipation: The reactivation of narrative heritage and material craftsmanship through design research. In R. Almendra & J. Ferreira (Eds.), Research & Education in Design: People & Processes & Products & Philosophy (pp. 184–196). Link
- Chatterjee, A., Alvelos, H., & Pereira, J. (2020). Anti-Amnesia: Articulating design-led active pedagogy towards craft heritage preservation in Portugal. In D. Raposo, J. Neves, J. Silva, L. Correia Castilho, & R. Dias (Eds.), Advances in Design, Music and Arts. Cham: Springer International Publishing.
- Alvelos, H.; Brandão Pereira, J.; Chatterjee, A.; & Amado, P. (2019). Uma pedagogia do quotidiano. In “Tipografia Damasceno: 50 anos”. Coimbra: Editora dos Tipos, pp.53-58. Link
See all 11 book chapters
International journals
- FERREIRA, L., Chatterjee, A., Almeida, P., Oliveira, E. (julho, 2023). Design por extenso: potencializar as colaborações universidade-indústria por meio da aprendizagem ativa. n.º 6 (2023): Revista dos encontros internacionais de estudos luso-brasileiros em Design e Ergonomia. Artigo publicado. (p. 26-33) Link
- Menezes, C.S.; Branco, V.; Dias, N.; Chatterjee, A. [Setembro, 2022]. Novo com tradição: o encontro entre o design e a produção artesanal do linho remanescente em Castelões. n.º 6 (2022): Revista dos encontros internacionais de estudos luso-brasileiros em Design e Ergonomia. Artigo publicado. (p. 18-25) Link
- Pereira, Jorge Brandão, Heitor Alvelos e Abhishek Chatterjee (2021) Anti-Amnesia as a Lever for Active Pedagogy: articulating design and media towards craft and industrial heritage preservation in Portugal. In Architecture, Media, Politics, Society proceedings journal, 2021 (no prelo). ISSN 2398-9467 Link
- Alvelos, Heitor, e Abhishek Chatterjee (2021). Anti-Amnesia: A discourse on the connotations of ‘value’ embedded in heritage crafts and their importance to knowledge and skilled based economic systems. In ArtCiência, Revista de Arte, Ciência e Comunicação 24, 2021 (no prelo). Link
- Martins, Nuno Duarte, Heitor Alvelos, Abhishek Chatterjee, e Sara Silva (2020). Resgatando o património do artesanato português através dos meios digitais. In ErgoTrip Design 4 (2020). Link
- Chatterjee, A.; Alvelos, H.; & Brandão Pereira, J. (2020). Media for Mediation: the role of multidisciplinary design pedagogy in the inscription of a dissipating millenary weaving culture. Media Education Research Journal, (9.2): 116-126. Link
- Chatterjee, A., &; Alvelos, H. (2020). Re-inscribing the value of craft in times of dictated obsolescence. Craft Research Journal, 11(2). Link
- Alvelos, H., Pereira, J., Chatterjee, A., & Amado, P. (2020). A pedagogy of the quotidian – letterpress and typography as heritage towards a restorative action of design. Hyphen – a Typographic Forum Journal, 12(18), 9–15.
- de Almeida, P. C., Chatterjee, A., & Gomes, A. J. (2017). Rediscovering Almalaguês: A Strategic Design Approach to a Traditional Portuguese Hand-Weaving Technique. Journal of Textile Design Research and Practice, 5(2), 110–137. Link
International conferences
- Alvelos, H.; Barreto, S.; Veiga, P.A. & Pereira, J. (2022). Mediations between scientific knowledge and cognitive bias: employing semantic assets and semiotic tools of communication design in media content circulation. In Proceedings of IV Conferência Internacional Comunicar Ciência, Covilhã, Portugal.
- Alvelos, H.; Pereira, J.; Chatterjee, A.; Barreto, S.; Veiga, P.A.; Lima, C. & Penedos-Santiago, E. (2023). When in Memeland, Speak in Memes: Contributions of Design Towards the Betterment of Online Behavior Regarding Public Health. In Advances in Design and Digital Communication IV. Springer. 10.1007/978-3-031-47281-7_39 Link
- Herbawi, B. B., Chatterjee, A., & Alvelos, H. (2023). Embroidered heritage: a design-led visual ethnography of traditional Palestinian motifs. In Academia Press eBooks. Link
- Herbawi, B., Chatterjee, A.,and Alvelos, H.(2023) The agency of graphic design towards promoting collective awareness of heritage inscriptions: A study on the erosion of Palestinian traditional iconography, in De Sainz Molestina, D., Galluzzo, L., Rizzo, F., Spallazzo, D. (eds.), IASDR 2023: Life-Changing Design, 9-13 October, Milan, Italy. Link
- Alvelos, H., Pereira, J.B., Chatterjee, A., Barreto, S., Veiga, P.A., Lima, C., & Penedos-Santiago (2024). When in Memeland, Speak in Memes: Contributions of Design Towards the Betterment of Online Behavior Regarding Public Health. In: Martins, N., Brandão, D. (eds) Advances in Design and Digital Communication IV. DIGICOM 2023. Springer Series in Design and Innovation, vol 35. Springer, Cham. Link
- Dias, N.; Almeida, P.; Fonseca, I.; Noronha, E.; Chatterjee, A. (2022).Design for Dasein: A Pedagogical Framework – The Case of PROJECT@X. In ECADE 2022 – European Conference on Arts, Design & Education. Porto, Portugal. Link
- Menezes, C.S.; Branco, V.; Dias, N.; Chatterjee, A. [Setembro, 2023]. Connecting threads: Exploring digital tools as scaffolding for heritage management and activation. DRHA2023: Digital Research in the Humanities and Arts. Link
- Menezes, C.S.; Branco, V.; Dias, N.; Chatterjee, A. [Maio, 2023] Desenhar Castelões: exploração visual para uma identidade territorial. 10th Internacional Conference on Illustration & Animation, Caldas da Rainha, Portugal, July 6-7. (p. 545-554) ISBN 978-989-54939-9-9. Link
- Menezes, C.S.; Branco, V.; Dias, N.; Chatterjee, A. [Março, 2023] Designing for Possibilities: Immersive Learning Experiences for Post-Pandemic Design Education. IAFOR > The 2nd Paris Conference on Education (PCE2023). Link
- Menezes, C.S.; Branco, V.; Dias, N.; Chatterjee, A. [Fevereiro, 2023] Connecting threads: Exploring digital tools as scaffolding for heritage management and activation. Digital Research in Humanities and Art Conference 2023 – DRHA2023, University of Turin, September 10-13, 2023. Link
- Menezes, C.S.; Branco, V.; Dias, N.; Chatterjee, A. [Fevereiro, 2023] Crafting the visual: Exploring specificities of visual culture as a strategy for heritage activation. IVMC8 \\ Transition: Preparing for the Next Generation – IVMC8: Sapienza University, Rome 29-31 May 2023. Link
- Menezes, C.S.; Chatterjee, A.; Branco, V.; Dias, N. [Janeiro, 2023]. Convention versus Contemporaneity: The affordances of design-led mediation towards sustaining an ancestral cycle of linen making in Castelões, Portugal. Connectivity and Creativity in times of Conflict – Cumulus Antwerp 2023: 12-15 April 20 (p. 591-594) ISBN 978-94-0149-676XX*16puyh4*_ga*MzIyNTI4MzYxLjE2Nzg1MzI4NTM.*_ga_WVC36ZPB1Y*MTY5MDQ3NDUwMi4xMi4wLjE2OTA0NzQ1MDIuNjAuMC4w Link
- Menezes, C.S.; Branco, V.; Dias, N.; Chatterjee, A. [Junho, 2022]. Design for Innovation With Tradition: Towards a ‘New’ Cycle of Linen-making. ECADE 2022.
- Alvelos, H., Barreto, S., Chatterjee, A. and de Almeida, P.C. (2019).
On the Brink of Dissipation: the reactivation of narrative heritage and material craftsmanship through design research.
In REDes, Research & Education in Design Conference, Lisbon.
- Brandão Pereira, J. (2019); Alvelos, H.; & Chatterjee, A.. “Bridging Design Education and a Portuguese Handicraft Tradition – Pedagogical Experimentation through Design for Doing”. In Conference Proceedings. The Future of Education 2019, Filodoritto Publisher, pp23-27.
- Alvelos, H., Chatterjee, A. (2021). The connotations of ‘Value’ in heritage crafts, and their relevance to a skill-based education towards knowledge economic systems. In 14th International Conference of the European Academy of Design: Safe Harbours for Design Research. October 2021. Link
- Brandão Pereira, J.; Alvelos, H.; & Chatterjee, A. (2020). “Anti-Amnesia: Articulating design and media towards letterpress printing’s heritage preservation and value creation”. Trabalho apresentado em Post-Digital Letterpress Conference, Porto.
- Chatterjee, A.; Brandão Pereira, J.; & Alvelos, H. (2020). “Anti-Amnesia: Articulating design-led active pedagogy towards craft heritage preservation in Portugal”. Trabalho apresentado em EIMAD – Meeting of Research in Music, Arts and Design 7th Edition 2020, Castelo Branco.
- Brandão Pereira, J.; Alvelos, H.; & Chatterjee, A. (2020) “Active pedagogy in art and design education – case study on the heritage and semantics of the Portuguese graphic tradition of ‘Azulejos’”. Conference Proceedings. The Future of Education 2020 [ ISBN 978-88-85813-87-8 ], pp.49-54.
- Martins, N., Alvelos, H., Chatterjee, A., Calado, I., Quintela, M. (2020). Multimedia as Mediator of Knowledge between Older Generations and Present-Day Students of Art and Design. Presented at the 4th International Conference on Education and Multimedia Technology.
- Martins, N., Silva, S., Alvelos, H., Barreto, S., Chatterjee, A., Penedos-Santiago, E., Lima, C. (2020) Design of a digital platform for the preservation and dissemination of Portuguese handicraft products. 2020 15th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI), Sevilla, Spain: Institute of Electrical and Electronical Engineers, 1-5. Link
- Pereira, J., Alvelos, H., & Chatterjee, A. (2020b). Design education as research path towards the heritage and semantics of the Portuguese graphic tradition of ‘Azulejos.’ Presented at the Connections: Exploring Heritage, Architecture, Cities, Art, Media, Virtual Conference. Link
- Pereira, J., Alvelos, H., & Chatterjee, A. (2020a). Active pedagogy in art and design education – case study on the heritage and semantics of the Portuguese graphic tradition of ‘Azulejos.’ Conference Proceedings. The Future of Education 2020. Presented at the The Future of Education International Conference – 10th edition. Link
- Alvelos, H., Brandão, D., & Chatterjee, A. (2020). A Soft Museum of Hardware Use: Testimonies From the Early Experience of Digital Devices as Historical, Pedagogical and Narrative Assets. Presented at the 11th Asian Conference on Arts & Humanities.
- Chatterjee, A., Pereira, J., & Alvelos, H. (2020). Articulating design-led active pedagogy towards craft heritage preservation in Portugal. Presented at the EIMAD – Meeting of Research in Music, Arts and Design.
- Pereira, J., Alvelos, H., Chatterjee, A., & Barreto, S. (2020b). Anti-Amnesia: Articulating design and media towards letterpress printing’s heritage preservation and value creation. PDLP20 Book of Abstracts, 52–53. Porto: i2ADS – Research Institute in Art, Design and Society University of Porto, Faculty of Fine Arts. Link
- Martins, N., Alvelos, H., Chatterjee, A., Penedos-Santiago, E., & Barreto, S. (2019). Anti-Amnesia: Developing a collaborative e- learning and digital archive platform towards contributing to the preservation and revitalization of Handicrafts Industries. Presented at the 10th UNIDCOM/IADE International Conference – Senses & Sensibility 2019: Lost in (G)Localization, Lisbon.
- Chatterjee, A., & Alvelos, H. (2019). Hands versus Fingers: Digital Media as Unexpected Mediator of Traditional Craft and Industry. 3rd International Conference on Design and Digital Communication, 43–50. Link
- Alvelos, H., Chatterjee, A., & Brandão, D. (2019). Anti-Clockwiser: a listening session early memories of now-obsolete media, and a speculation on their possible roles in contemporaneity. In P. A. da Veiga et al (Eds.), Proceedings of ARTECH, 9th International Conference on Digital and Interactive Arts. New York; Association for Computing Machinery.
- Alvelos, H., Barreto, S., de Almeida, P. C., Chatterjee, A., & Gomes, A. J. (2019) “Anti-Amnesia: The Viability of Millenary Weaving in a World of Acceleration”. Presented at the The European Conference on Arts & Humanities 2019, Brighton. Link
- Brandão Pereira, J.; Alvelos, H.; & Chatterjee, A. (2019). Bridging Design Education and a Portuguese Handicraft Tradition – Pedagogical Experimentation through Design for Doing. In Conference Proceedings 9th International Conference The Future of Education, pp.23-27, Filodiritto Publisher, ISBN 978-88-85813-45-8
- de Almeida, P. C., Chatterjee, A., & Gomes, A. J. (2017) “Cortebel 50 in Almalaguês”. Proceedings. Presented at the Intersections: Collaborations in Textile Design Research Conference, Loughborough, U.K.. Link
See all 32 international conferences
National conferences
- Menezes, C.S.; Branco, V.; Dias, N.; Chatterjee, A. [Abril, 2023] Uma reflexão sobre o significado de inovação na cultura artesanal do ciclo do linho em Castelões. Research Summit 2023, Art, Science and Innovation in times of trouble, Universidade de Aveiro.
- Pereira, J., Alvelos, H., Chatterjee, A., & Barreto, S. (2020a). A herança de indústrias tradicionais e conhecimento empírico para a construção de uma estratégia de mediação pelo design – Contributos do projeto Anti-Amnésia para esta recuperação contextual. Presented at the III Encontro Rede Indústria História Património, São João de Madeira.
- Pereira, J., Alvelos, H., Barreto, S., & Chatterjee, A. (2019). Letterpress printing’s heritage and empirical knowledge towards graphic design for a restorative action of the media. Presented at the 10.o Encontro de Tipografia, Matosinhos.
- Alvelos, H., Barreto, S., Chatterjee, A., & Penedos-Santiago, E. (2019). A investigação em design como ferramenta de legitimação de conhecimento e saber empírico da indústria e do artesanato – contributos a partir do projeto Anti-Amnésia. Presented at the 1º Encontro Memória para Todos: História, Património e Comunidade(s), Lisbon.
- Alvelos, H., Barreto, S., Chatterjee, A., Pereira, J., & Penedos-Santiago, E. (2019). A Cultura do Design como mediação para a cultura criativa – Contributos a partir do Projeto Anti-Amnésia. Presented at the V Congresso Internacional Sobre Culturas, Covilhã.
- Brandão Pereira, J.; Alvelos, H.; & Chatterjee, A. (2019). ”Para uma experiência ativa na aprendizagem do design – estudo de caso sobre o diálogo entre design gráfico e a tradição artesanal Portuguesa da tecelagem de Almalaguês”, CNaPPES 19: 6.º Congresso Nacional de Práticas Pedagógicas no Ensino Superior, Instituto Politécnico de Santarém, Santarém, Portugal, July 2019. TBP.
- Alvelos, H.; Chatterjee, A. (2019). A Cidade Troca de Pele: contributos do design para a longevidade do património da azulejaria na cidade do Porto. Proceedings of the 26th APDR Congress – Associação Portuguesa de Desenvolvimento Regional: Evidence-based territorial policy-making: formulation, implementation and evaluation of policy. Aveiro, 2019. To be published.
- Alvelos, H.; Chatterjee, A. (2019). A Cidade Troca de Pele: Contributos do design para a longevidade do património da azulejaria na cidade do Porto . Proceedings de “26th APDR Congress – Associação Portuguesa de Desenvolvimento Regional – Evidence-based territorial policymaking: formulation, implementation and evaluation of policy”, Aveiro, 2019. To be published. Link
Scientific, artistic and cultural production
- de Almeida, P. C., Chatterjee, A., Samshad, B. (2020) “Footwear prototypes with Johnstons of Elgin’s cashmere selvedge trims waste”. The Glasgow School of Art, Innovation School & ID+ / Unexpected Media Lab
- de Almeida, P. C., Chatterjee, A. (2020) “Almalaguês Footwear Series”. ID+ / Unexpected Media Lab.
- de Almeida, P. C., Chatterjee, A. (2017) “Cortebel 50: Série de protótipos de calçado”. ID+ / Unexpected Media Lab & Cortebel.
- de Almeida, P. C. & Chatterjee, A. (2015). ‘Cortebel 50 (Summer Time Research Lab)’. Série de calçado comemorativa dos 50 anos Cortebel. Express – Dispositivos Médicos S.A., Cortegaça.
Other relevant cultural production
- Alvelos, H.; Brandão Pereira, J.; Chatterjee, A.; & Amado, P. (2019). Uma pedagogia do quotidiano. In “Tipografia Damasceno: 50 anos”. Coimbra: Editora dos Tipos, pp.53-58.
- Alvelos, H., & Chatterjee, A. (2019 October 18-2019 October 24). Archeology of the Discarded [Exhibition]. Porto: Galeria Cozinha, Faculty of Fine Arts, University of Porto
Other scientific activity spreading actions
- Pereira, Jorge Brandão, Heitor Alvelos e Abhishek Chatterjee (2021) A educação em design como via de investigação do património e semântica da tradição gráfica portuguesa dos ‘Azulejos’ – estudo de caso sobre a cidade do Porto. In Congresso Azulejo: Património em Risco? Sociedade de Geografia de Lisboa, Maio de 2021.
- Chatterjee, Abhishek, Heitor Alvelos, and Jorge Brandão Pereira (2020). Anti-amnesia as a lever for active pedagogy: articulating design and media towards craft and industrial heritage preservation in Portugal. In Teaching-Learning-Research: Design and Environments Conference, 2020.
- Chatterjee, Abhishek, Heitor Alvelos, and Jorge Brandão Pereira (2020) Design education as research path towards the heritage and semantics of the Portuguese graphic tradition of ‘Azulejos.’ In Connections: Exploring Heritage, Architecture, Cities, Art, Media Conference, 2020.
- Pereira, Jorge Brandão, Abhishek Chatterjee, and Heitor Alvelos (2020) Active pedagogy in art and design education – case study on the heritage and semantics of the Portuguese graphic tradition of ‘Azulejos.’ In The Future of Education International Conference – 10th edition, 2020.
- Pereira, Jorge Brandão, Abhishek Chatterjee, and Heitor Alvelos. (2020) Articulating design-led active pedagogy towards craft heritage preservation in Portugal. In 7th EIMAD – Meeting of Research in Music, Arts and Design, Castelo Branco, 2020.
- Chatterjee, Abhishek, Alvelos, Heitor , et al. (2020) Articulating design and media towards letterpress printing’s heritage preservation and value creation. In Post Digital Letterpress Printing Conference, FBAUP, Porto, 2020.
- Alvelos, Heitor, Abhishek Chatterjee, and Daniel Brandão (2020) A Soft Museum of Hardware Use: Testimonies From the Early Experience of Digital Devices as Historical, Pedagogical and Narrative Assets. In The 11th Asian Conference on Arts & Humanities, Tokyo, 2020.
- Pereira, J., Alvelos, H., Barreto, S., Chatterjee, A. and Penedos-Santiago, E. (2019). V Congresso Internacional sobre Culturas. Presentation, V Congresso Internacional sobre Culturas, Universidade da Beira Interior, Covilhã, Portugal.
- Alvelos, H., Barreto, S., Chatterjee, A., Penedos-Santiago, E., Carvalho de Almeida, P., Gomes, A. and Pereira, J. (2019). Wisdom and Amnesia: media as a key concept for the sustainability of traditional knowledge in design education. Presentation, Encontro Ciência 2019, Organização Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, Centro de congressos de Lisboa, Portugal.
- de Almeida, P. C., and Chatterjee, A. (2016). Sapatilhas: cultural significance and industrial legacy, Poster Presentation, Ciência 2016, Lisbon.