

Contact person: Susana Barreto

This group aligns primarily with Cluster 4 of the EU’s R&I future priorities 2025-2027, particularly in regards to the digital component as a main driver of both technological innovation/obsolescence, and corresponding socio-cultural shifts and benefits. Crossing these strategic priorities with ID+ researchers’ areas of specialisation, the group focuses specifically on the re-calibration of contemporary and traditional media towards common good, design as a mediator of the impacts of current technological acceleration, leveraging interactive media, and public visibility and knowledge of specialised audiovisual production. The unpacking of the current vertigo around Artificial Intelligence from a Design perspective is an emerging and urgent priority.
The Group currently fosters the following strategic fronts:
- the Unexpected Media Lab, whose mission consists of contributing to a healthier relationship between citizens and current media semantics, repurposing so-called “dead media” into renewed relevance, and mediating multi-disciplinary communication;
- the Cinemas film hub, whose mission includes enquiring on new documentary and digital narratives in their aesthetic, ethical, epistemological and political dimensions; connecting with diasporic communities via documentary film, and fostering international networks of audiovisual media.
- the Media Arts Lab, dedicated to advancing the understanding of media arts, to engage in practice-based audiovisual research for the benefit of society, and to add value to artistic media practices as processes of knowledge construction.