Hugo Palmares, born in Porto, is a designer and an invited adjunct professor at the Polytechnic University of Cávado and Ave (IPCA). He holds a PhD in Design from the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Porto (FBAUP), with a scholarship from the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT), hosted by the Research Institute for Design, Media and Culture (ID+). He holds a Master’s degree in Design Management from the Faculty of Design, Technology and Communication (IADE) and the Marketing Business School (IPAM), and a bachelor's degree in Fine Arts from FBAUP. With 15 years of design experience in industry, in companies such as Procalçado (Porto) and Decathlon (Lille), his research work covers topics such as cultural evolution in industry, symbiosis between art and industry, traditional and innovative processes, design methods, design management, and design education. He has published articles in design conferences, scientific journals and book chapters, and his work in design and art has been exhibited, among others, at Circolo del Design (Turin), Cité du design (Saint-Étienne), and Galerie Gauche Beaux-Arts (Paris).
Current positions
- Invited Adjunct Professor Polytechnic Institute of Cávado and Ave (IPCA)
PhD Details
- Title (r)Evolução da Cultura de Design na Indústria: Cocriação da ferramenta Design Culture Toolkit enquanto interface para impacto cultural no contexto empresarial português
- Field Design and Industry
- Year 2024
Research Groups
Book chapters
- Palmares, H., Terroso, M., & Costa, E. (2024). Design Culture Perception: Diagnosis of Knowledge and Vision of Traditional and Innovative Industries in Portugal. In Martins, N., Brandão, D., & Fernandes-Marcos, A. (Eds) Perspectives on Design and Digital Communication IV, 91–111. Springer Series in Design and Innovation , vol 33. Springer, Cham. Link
- Palmares, H., Terroso, M., & Costa, E. (2023). Design Culture Ladder: Creation of a Diagnosis Tool to Evolve Industry. In Martins, N., & Brandão, D. (Eds) Advances in Design and Digital Communication III, 523–535. Springer Series in Design and Innovation , vol 27. Springer, Cham. Link
- Palmares, H., Terroso, M., & Costa, E. (2022). Inter ‘Face-To-Face’: Remote Co-creation for an Artifact. In Martins, N. & Brandão, D. (Eds) Advances in Design and Digital Communication II, 387–396. Springer Series in Design and Innovation , vol 19. Springer, Cham. Link
- Terroso, M., Moreno, A., Amorim, N., Palmares, H., & Sampaio, J. (2018). Immersive Business Simulation in Footwear Design Education: A bridge for reality. In Broega et al. (Eds) Reverse Design: A Current Scientific Vision From the International Fashion and Design Congress, 497–505. CRC Press, Taylors & Francis ISBN 978-1-138-37011-1 Link
International journals
- Terroso, M., Moreno, A., Palmares, H., Pinto, J., Matos, D., Sampaio, J. (2019). Focus on process and outcome in footwear design education, in Procedia CIRP , Elsevier B.V. Link
International conferences
- Palmares, H., Terroso, M., & Costa, E. (2022). Design Culture Ladder: Creation of a Diagnosis Tool to Evolve Industry. Conference Proceedings DIGICOM 2022 – 6th International Conference on Design and Digital Communication, November 3th-5th 2022, Barcelos, Portugal. Link
- Fernandes A., Kosztyła A., Casteião A., Mergener D., Morais E., Alvelos H., Palmares H., Martins I., Lopes L., Rosa M., Rebelo A., Zanini M., Lopes P., & Mourão S. (2022). Doctoral Side Effects: Damage Limitation Versus Unexpected Benefits to PhD Research in a Pandemic. The European Conference on Arts, Design & Education – ECADE 2022 Conference Proceedings, July 7th-10th 2022, Porto, Portugal. Link
- Palmares, H., Terroso, M., & Costa, E. (2021). Inter ‘Face-To-Face’: Remote Co-creation for an Artifact. Conference Proceedings DIGICOM 2021 – 5th International Conference on Design and Digital Communication, November 4th-6th 2021, Barcelos, Portugal. Link
- Terroso, M., Moreno, A., Amorim, N., Palmares, H., & Sampaio, J. (2018). Immersive Business Simulation in Footwear Design Education: A Bridge for Reality. Conference Proceedings CIMODE 2018 Madrid – 4th International Fashion and Design Congress, May 2018, Madrid, Spain.
National conferences
- Palmares, H., Terroso, M., & Costa, E. D. (2022). Perceção da cultura de design na indústria do calçado em Portugal: Agentes de transferência de conhecimento e de visão. Presented at the V Encontro Indústria, História, Património, Museu de Lanifícios da Universidade da Beira Interior, April 7th-8th 2022, Covilhã, Portugal. Link
Other publications
- Marsden, R., Huoviala, A., Siipola, V., Pereira, J. B., & Palmares, H. (2023). A Model for Multiplicity; Sustainable Footwear Futures. Poster Presentation, 2nd Design Factory Global Network Research Conference: “Contributions for Designing Multiplicity”. Ankara, Turkey, October 5th-6th, 2023. Link
- Palmares, H. (2023). (r)Evolution of the design culture in the Portuguese footwear industry: Toolkit as an interface for diagnosis, prescription, verification and validation. In Alvelos et al. (Eds) Posters of a Doctorate. PhD Design 2016_2023 +, 60–61. Doctor Tiger, vol 5. Porto: ID+ Instituto de Investigação em Design, Media e Cultura. Link
- Palmares, H. (2021). O sentido das coisas. In Alvelos et al. (Eds) Tigers in Zoom Cages: tips and testimonies on advancing doctoral research in a pandemic, 35–38. Doctor Tiger, vol 4. Porto: ID+ Instituto de Investigação em Design, Media e Cultura. Link
- Palmares, H. (2021). Evolution of the design culture in the Portuguese footwear industry: Co-creation of a toolkit as an interface for diagnosis, prescription, verification and validation. In Abstracts Booklet of the RUN-EU General Assembly – European Innovation Hub Online Conference, Ireland (Limerick, Thurles and Athlone), November 3rd, 2021. Link
- Palmares, H. (2021). (r)Evolution of the design culture in the Portuguese footwear industry: Toolkit as an interface for diagnosis, prescription, verification and validation. Poster Presentation, Ciência 2021 – Encontro com a Ciência e Tecnologia em Portugal. Lisbon, Portugal. Link
Scientific, artistic and cultural production
Technical work
- Palmares, H. (2023). Reviewer of one article for the journal Textile & Leather Review, idd3, Croatia. December.
Scientific events organization
- Palmares, H. (2022). Moderator in the onsite parallel sessions “Strategies for Promoting Creative Thinking” and “Design and New Media”, at the ECADE 2022 Conference – The European Conference on Arts, Design & Education. July 8th-9th 2022, Porto, Portugal.
- Alvelos, H., Kosztyla, A., Fernandes, A., Rebelo, A. M., Casteião, A., Mergener, D., Palmares, H., Lopes, L., Brasil, M., Fragoso, P. & Brandão, R. – Organizing Committee (2021). Doctoral Side Effects – Let’s talk about doing a PhD during a pandemic. 21st May 2021. Porto, Portugal.
Other relevant cultural production
- Palmares, H. (2023). Poster at the collective exhibition UD23 Posters of a Doctorate, curated by Heitor Alvelos et al. Museu da Faculdade de Belas Artes da Universidade do Porto, Portugal. September 25th-29th, 2023.
- Palmares, H. (2022). Installation at the collective exhibition FUSION Creative Europe, curated by Rui Effe. Antiga Casa do Vinho, Barcelos, Portugal. September 27th-October 7th, 2022.
- Palmares, H. (2022). Prevent Your Walking Issues [Installation] at the collective exhibition FUSION. Circolo del Design, Turin, Italy. May 25th-June 9th, 2022.
Other scientific activity spreading actions
- Palmares, H. (2023). Talk “Cultura de Design, de Inovação e de Sustentabilidade na Indústria do Calçado: Práticas e futuro”, integrated into the BioShoes4All project, Centro Tecnológico do Calçado de Portugal (CTCP), São João da Madeira, Portugal. July 19th, 2023.
- Palmares, H. (2023). Talk “Design Culture & Industry: Empirical research through design”, integrated into the Research Challenge Design ID+ (Short Advanced Programme), RUN-EU, IPCA, Barcelos, Portugal. July 13th, 2023.
- Palmares, H. (2023). Talk “Cultura de Design, de Inovação e de Sustentabilidade na Indústria do Calçado: Práticas e futuro”, integrated into the BioShoes4All project, Centro Tecnológico do Calçado de Portugal (CTCP), Felgueiras, Portugal. July 6th, 2023.
- Palmares, H. (2023). Talk “Cultura de Design e de Inovação: Mediar processos de cocriação entre universidade-indústria”, in the class Laboratório de Gestão de Projetos – LGP (with a master’s degrees in Engineering, Software, and Multimedia, FEUP and FBAUP), Porto, Portugal. April 14th, 2023.
- Palmares, H. (2022). Talk “Perceção da Cultura Empresarial: Ferramenta de diagnóstico”, in the class Laboratório de Gestão de Projetos – LGP (with a master’s degrees in Engineering and Software, FEUP and FBAUP), Porto, Portugal. May 27th, 2022.
- Palmares, H. (2022). Workshop “Design Management: a view from industry” (with a bachelor’s degree in Industrial Design, IPCA), Barcelos, Portugal. May 5th-12th, 2022.
- Palmares, H. (2022). Workshop “Back to the Future”, integrated into the FUSION project (with a master’s degree in Product Design and Development, IPCA), Barcelos, Portugal. March 31st, 2022.