João Pedro Teixeira Fragoso e Castro

João Castro, was born at Gaia, Portugal (1979). The love for drawing and visual arts has always been part of his life. After a period studying Civil Engineering, decided to do something different, and created an online publishing project, producing the Kozmik Magazine (2008-2010). This was the point that brought him into Design studies. He graduates in Design at University of Aveiro (2009-2012), and holds a Master's Degree in Design at this Institution (2012-2015).

Meanwhile, he collaborated with João Nunes for the dynamization of the Living Lab Iris D'Arga (2011 & 2012). Participated at ModTíssimo - Porto Fashion Week, with a technological textile structure (2013). In the same year designs the exhibition stand for the Portuguese representation at Eunique (Karlsruhe) of the project Água Musa - Aldeias do Xisto. Worked at Sisen Internacional (2014) in Interior Decoration at the CCJ - Cultural Center of Jeddah (Saudi Arabia). Took an incursion into the Start-Ups world (2016-2017), working on Watgrid in graphic design, digital marketing and modular exhibition stands that travelled by WebSummit (Lisbon), Agroglobal (Santarém), Techdays (Aveiro), Vinitech-Sifel (Bordeaux) and Enomaq (Zaragoza). Worked as graphic designer on Arcofriends (2017-2018), Arcohotel Group in association with Fagor Industrial, Mondragon Group, drawing solutions for events as Top Kitchen at EFTA (Aveiro), 1st Collective Food Convention of AHRESP (Lisbon), and restaurants as Hotel MS (Braga & Oporto), Canastra do Fidalgo (Costa Nova), Jardim Hotel Santa Marinha (Gaia), Hotel IBIS Bolhão Centro (Oporto), Paradise Beach (Cape Verde), Hotel Verde Mar & SPA (São Miguel). Through several collaborations with IBIMED – Institute of Biomedicine of Aveiro University, developed identity projects to Biotério (2017), Cell Culture Facility (2018), Microsurgery Course (2018-2019), DRibeiro Lab (2019), and LiProbe (2019).

Attends the PhD Program in Design at the University of Aveiro (since 2018), researching about Fruition of the Place: influences and connections by multimedia installations.


Current positions

  • Designer

Research Groups


International conferences
  • Castro, J. F., Bastos, P. B., Alvelos, H. (2020). “Emotions on pictures in motion”. In Atas do 11th International Conference Cinema – Art, Technology, Communication, Avanca, Portugal, 17-26 Julho, (pp. 815-835), ISSN: 2184-0520
  • Fragoso, J., Bastos, P. B., Alvelos, H. (2021). “Emotional resonance at art interactive installations: Social reconnection among individuals through identity legacy elements uncover”. In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Digital and Interactive Arts, ARTECH2021-Aveiro, 13 a 15 de Outubro (pp 462-468), ACM ISBN: 978-1-4503-8420-9
  • Castro, J., Bastos, P. B., Alvelos, H. (2020). “Communication Space Modulation on Place Fruition”. In “Connections: Exploring Heritage, Architecture, Cities, Art, Media” – AMPS Proceedings Series 20.2. Connections: Exploring Heritage, University of Kent, Canterbury (England) (pp. 33-43) ISSN 2398-9467
  • Castro, J., Bastos, P., Alvelos, H. (2021). Emotional Resonance at Art interactive Installations. In ARTECH 2021, Hybrid Praxis – Art, Sustainability & Technology. 10th International Conference on Digital and Interactive Arts. Universidade de Aveiro, Outubro de 2021. Link
  • Castro, João Fragoso, Paulo Bernardino Bastos, and Heitor Alvelos (2020). Communication Space Modulation on Place Fruition. In AMPS Proceedings Series 20.2, Connections: Exploring Heritage, Architecture, Cities, Art, Media. ISSN 2398-9467. University of Kent, Junho de 2020. Link
  • Castro, J., Bastos, P. B., Alvelos, H. (2019). “Affinities and Effects on Place Enjoyment Across Multimedia Installations”. In Atas do 18º Encontro Internacional de Arte e Tecnologia: #18.ART: DA ADMIRÁVEL ORDEM DAS COISAS: arte, emoção e tecnologia, Lisboa, Portugal, 17-19 Outubro, (pp.303-319) ISSN: 2238-0272
  • CASTRO, João; NUNES, João; BARBOSA, Helena (2014) – Estação Viva. In BARBOSA, Helena; CALVERA, Anna – “9th International Conference of ICDHS – International Committee for Design History & Design Studies – Tradition, transition, trajectories: major or minor influences?”. Poster Proceedings. Aveiro: Universidade Aveiro, 2014. ISBN 978-972-789-422-2. p. 42-43.
Other publications
  • Castro, J.; Bastos, P. B., Alvelos, H. (2019). “Fruition of the Place: influences and connections by multimedia installations.”. Paper presented in Encontro Ciência ’19