Paula Vivana de Rezende e Valadares is graduated in Industrial Design (1995) and did her Master in Design of Information (2007) In the Federal University From Pernambuco (UFPE). She is professor in the Design's Course/UFPE, Agreste's Campus, and is a collaborating member of the Typography Laboratory of Agreste (LTA) in this institution. She teaches subjects such as: History of Design; History of Typography; Design, Society and Culture; Design fundamentals; Visual identity; and Graphic Memory of Agreste. He has practical experience in areas of graphic design: visual identity, editorial design, album covers, advertising campaigns and design for cultural exhibition. Member of the research group LDGraf - Graphic Design Languages. As a line of research she works in the fields of: graphic language, typography, history and graphic Legacy related to the Brazilian culture: investigating in visual representations the symbolic aspects and their questions of identities. Currently she is a PhD student at the Graduate Program in Design at the University of Aveiro, Portugal, where she is part of the ID+ research group within the THEME group (Theory and Memory). The provisional title of the thesis under investigation is "The construction of the graphic language of the Armorial Movement: an investigation of the references that finally constituted the visual expression of a cultural identity".
Current positions
- PhD Design student Universidade de Aveiro
Research Groups
- VALADARES, Paula V. R (org.) (2018) – Memória Gráfica no Agreste. Recife: CEPE, 2018. v. 1, 1. ed, 164p. ISBN 978-85-60411-18-4.
Book chapters
- VALADARES, Paula V. R. (2018) – A Representação do Frevo nas Capas de Discos da Rozenblit. In: Valadares, Paula. (Org.). Memória Gráfica do Agreste. Recife: CEPE, 2018, v. 1, 1. ed, p. 38-47. ISBN 978-85-60411-18-4.
International conferences
- VALADARES, Paula; BARBOSA, Helena (2020) – The Armorial Movement: cultural entwinements in the legacy of time from a graphic design perspective. In VUKIĆ, Fedja; KOSTEŠIĆI, Iva (eds.) – “Lessons to learn? Past design experiences and contemporary design practices”. ICDHS 2020 – 12th Conference of the International Committee for Design History and Design Studies –. Faculty of Architecture, School of Design, Croacia. Zagreb: UP12M Books, 2020. Proceedings. ISBN 978-953-7703-67-7. p. 241-253.
- VALADARES, Paula; BARBOSA, Helena (2020) – Para una comprensión de la tradición gráfica Armorial en la identidad cultural de Pernambuco. In “III Simposio FHD – To be or not to be: El papel del diseño en la construcción de identidades”. Proceedings. Barcelona: Foundation of History of Design, 2020. p. 1-12. Link
- VALADARES, Paula V. R.; COUTINHO, S. G. (2007) – The design of “frevo” on the Rozenblit record covers. In: The Design History Society Annual Conference, 2007, Londres. Proceedings of The Design History Society Annual Conference, 2007. v. 1. p. 16-17.
National conferences
- VALADARES, Paula V. R. (2014) – A disciplina de Historia do Design no curso da UFPE, campus do Agreste: uma introdução aos marcos fundamentais, numa perspectiva internacional, para turmas do primeiro período, p. 53-54 . In: In Anais do 1º Seminário Paulista do Ensino da História do Design 2014 [=Blucher Design Proceedings]. São Paulo: Blucher, 2014. ISSN 2318-6968, DOI 10.5151/designpro-spehd-14 Link
- BUGGY, L. ; VALADARES, Paula V. R. ; SOUZA, R. V (2012) – Laboratório de Tipografia do Agreste (LTA): experiência, produção e aprendizagem. In 10 Congresso Brasileiro de Desenvolvimento de Pesquisa em Design – P&D Design. São Luiz. Plataforma digital, 2012. p. Link
- VALADARES, Paula V. R. (2008) – A representação visual do frevo: a construção de um símbolo em cem anos de expressão. In: XIII Encontro Regional de História AnpuhRio – Identidades, 2008, Rio de Janeiro. Anais do XIII Encontro Regional de História AnpuhRio – Identidades. Link
- VALADARES, Paula V. R.; COUTINHO, S. G. (2007) – Um modelo de análise para pesquisas históricas de design gráfico: em busca de características e significados. In: 3º Congresso Internacional de Design da Informação – CIDI, 2007, Curitiba. Anais do 3º CIDI. v. 1. CD-Rom.
- VALADARES, Paula V. R.; COUTINHO, S. G (2006) – Os discos da Rozenblit. In: 7º Congresso Brasileiro de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento em Design, 2006, Curitiba. Anais do 7º Congresso Brasileiro de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento em Design – P&D 2006, v. 1. CD-Rom.
Other publications
- VALADARES, Paula; BARBOSA, Helena (2023) – Armorial movement: how the graphic language of a cultural identity was built. In ALVELOS, Heitor – “Posters of a doctorate: PhD Design 2016-2023+”. Porto: Universidade do Porto, 2023. ISBN 978-989-53056-3-6. p. 97.
Scientific, artistic and cultural production
Other scientific activity spreading actions
- VALADARES, Paula; BARBOSA, Helena (2019) – Movimento Armorial: como se construiu a linguagem gráfica de uma identidade cultural. Poster presented at UD19 – National Meeting of the Doctoral Programme “Design Does a Selfie”, Porto, Portugal. 18th October.
- VALADARES, Paula; BARBOSA, Helena (2019) – Movimento Armorial: como se construiu a linguagem gráfica de uma identidade cultural. Poster presented at Science 2019 – “Meeting with the Science and Technology”, Lisbon, Portugal. 10th July.