His PhD research was focused on urban design in metropolitan contexts (PhD thesis: Lisbon Metropolitan Area - discontinuities, design and planning). Among his research interests in urban design are civic movements, tactical urbanism, informal settlements and relations between citizens and public institutions. He has been researching and publishing in scientific journals and books about and from many parts of the world. At international level, he has been doing research and fieldwork, more recently in Israel (in regard to placemaking intiatives in Jerusalem) and Indonesia (with focus in informal settlements in Bandung). He was recently elected member of the Executive Committee of AESOP (Association of European Schools of Planning). He will be from July 2019 until July 2023 the AESOP representative on GPEAN (Global Planning Education Associations Network). He participated at the debate of the UN SDG's in Portugal (Lisbon) and abroad (Rotterdam and Cairo). He his the contact person of HABITAT-Uni at the University of Aveiro. He teaches urban design and urban form related courses. In addition he has a long experience in work with national, regional and local agencies in urban design and urban planning.
Current positions
- Assistant professor University of Aveiro - Department of Social, Political and Territorial Sciences
- Adjunct Professor Institut Teknologi Bandung - School of Architecture, Planning and Policy Development
- Member of Executive Committee Association of European Schools of Planning
- Vice-Chair Global Planning Education Associations Network
PhD Details
- Title Lisbon Metropolitan Area: discontinuities, design and planning
- Field Urban Design
- Year 2010
Research Groups
- SILVA, P., VELOSA, A., RODRIGUES, H., (2023), «Qualidade de Vida e Sustentabilidade: Repensar as Condições Habitacionais no Contexto das AHP», in Livro das Atas do Encontro ADURBEM 2022, Ed. Almedina Link
Book chapters
- SILVA, P., (2019), «Informal Settlement’s Act: What went right in the Portuguese case?». in Maryati, S. (ed.) Understanding the Informal City. ITB Press. pp. 27-41
- COIMBRA, J., SILVA, P., BITTENCOURT, B., (2021), «Public space and social innovation», in Research Tracks in Urbanism: Dynamics, Planning and Design in Contemporary Urban Territories, Allegri et al. (eds.), pp. 68-72, Ed. Taylor & Francis, https://online.vitalsource.com/books/9781000464139, ISBN 978-1-032-10788-2
- SILVA, P., (2024), «Beyond the surface of Tactical Urbanism: discussing the adaptive properties of cities, plans and citizens’ movements», SDLab: Strategic Design For Societal Needs
- GONÇALVES, C, SILVA, P., (in print), «Revisiting green infrastructure planning from a landscape perspective», in SIMMETT, D., BURGESS, S., SMITH, N. (eds.), Handbook on Green Infrastructure: Planning, design and implementation, Edward Elgar Publishing Limited
- Coimbra, J., Silva, P., Bittencourt, B., (2021), Public space and social innovation, in Research Tracks in Urbanism: Dynamics, Planning and Design in Contemporary Urban Territories, Allegri et al. (eds.), pp. 68-72, Ed. Taylor and Francis,https://online.vitalsource.com/books/9781000464139, ISBN 978-1-032-10788-2 Link
- SILVA, P., (2018), Designing urban rules from emergent patterns: co-evolving paths of informal and formal urban systems – the case of Portugal, IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci. 158 012001
- Silva, P., (2019), Informal Settlement’s Act: What went right in the Portuguese case?. in Maryati, S. (ed.) Understanding the Informal City. ITB Press. pp. 27-41
- SILVA, P. (2016). Democratisation and informal settlements: an opportunity to reinvent social rights, in Informal Urbanisation. (no prelo).
- SILVA, P., FARRALL, H., (2016), From Informal to Formal: What Can Be Learned from Reviewing 50 Years of Portuguese Models, Policies and PoliticsDynamics and Resilience of Informal Areas: International Perspectives, pp. 25-42, Parte de ISBN: 978-3-319-29946-4, URL: http://link.springer.com/book/10.1007%2F978-3-319-29948-8
- GONÇALVES, C.; CURADO, M.; SILVA, P. (2015). Novas oportunidades para o planeamento: a transposição da Convenção Europeia da Paisagem para o contexto nacional e a revisão dos PDM, in O plano ainda vale a pena? Incerteza e flexibilidade na gestão territorial, Parte de ISBN:978-989-98057-4-3.
- GONÇALVES, C.; SILVA, P. (2015). Planning green infrastructure from a landscape perspective, in Handbook on Green Infrastructure Planning, Design and Implementation, pp. 166-183, Parte de ISBN: 9781783474004 URL: http://www.eelgar.com/shop/eep/preview/book/isbn/9781783474004/
- SILVA, P. (2015). A reclassificação do solo urbano em solo rural, teoria e aplicação: o caso de Sesimbra. O plano ainda vale a pena? Incerteza e flexibilidade na gestão territorial, Parte de ISBN:978-989-98057-4-3
International journals
- SILVA, P., (2018), Designing urban rules from emergent patterns: co-evolving paths of informal and formal urban systems – the case of Portugal, IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci. 158 012001
- FELIX, M., SANTOS, G., BARROSO, A., SILVA, P., (2018), The transformation of wasted space in urban vertical gardens with the contribution of design to improving the quality of life, International Journal for Quality Research. Vol. 12 Issue 4, p. 803-822. 20 p.
- ROSNER-MANOR, Y., BORGHINI, S. G., BOONSTRA, B., & SILVA, P. (2019). Adaptation of the urban codes – A story of placemaking in Jerusalem. Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science. https://doi.org/10.1177/2399808319867712
- NETO, D., CRUZ, C. O., RODRIGUES, F., SILVA, P., (2020), PPP development and governance in Latin America: an analysis of Brazilian state PPP units, Journal of Infrastructure Systems, Vol. 26 Issue 2, https://doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)IS.1943-555X.0000544
- SILVA, P. (2020), Not So Much about Informality: Emergent Challenges for Urban Planning and Design Education. Sustainability, 12, 8450. https://www.mdpi.com/2071-1050/12/20/8450/pdf
- REYES, S., SILVA, P., (2023), «Proposta metodológica de estudo das representações culturais da paisagem em painéis de azulejos nas paragens de comboios urbanos da cidade do Porto», in CIDADES, Comunidades e Territórios, pub. DINÂMIA’CET-Iscte, nº 47, Dez. 2023
- Silva, P. (2020), Not So Much about Informality: Emergent Challenges for Urban Planning and Design Education. Sustainability, 12, 8450. https://www.mdpi.com/2071-1050/12/20/8450/pdf Link
- Rosner-Manor, Y., Borghini, S. G., Boonstra, B., & Silva, P. (2019). Adaptation of the urban codes – A story of placemaking in Jerusalem. Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science. https://doi.org/10.1177/2399808319867712
- Neto, D., Cruz, C. O., Rodrigues, F., Silva, P., (2020), PPP development and governance in Latin America: an analysis of Brazilian state PPP units, Journal of Infrastructure Systems, Vol. 26 Issue 2, https://doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)IS.1943-555X.0000544
- NETO, D., CRUZ, C., RODRIGUES, F., and SILVA, P. (2016), Bibliometric Analysis of PPP and PFI Literature: Overview of 25 Years of Research, in Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, pp. Parte de ISSN: 0733-9364, URL: http://ascelibrary.org/doi/abs/10.1061/(ASCE)CO.1943-7862.0001163
- SILVA, P., (2016), Tactical urbanism: Towards an evolutionary cities approach?, in Environment and Planning B Planning and Design, DOI: 10.1177/0265813516657340
- SILVA, P., MOTA, J., (2016), New Technologies and Planning: An overview of the AESOP, in disP – The Planning Review, 2016-06, pp. 68-71, ISSN: 2166-8604 URL: http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/02513625.2016.1195590
- SILVA, P., FARRALL, H., (2016), Lessons from informal settlements: A ‘peripheral’ problem with self-organising solutions, in Town Planning Review, pp. 297-319, Parte de ISSN: 0041-0020 URL: http://online.liverpooluniversitypress.co.uk/doi/10.3828/tpr.2016.21
International conferences
- SILVA, P. – Urban form, spatial planning and European Landscape Convention in Ponencias del I Foro Ibérico de Paisaje Urbano, CIVILSCAPE, Madrid. Digital platforms and participatory processes, in Proceedings of AESOP Conference 2015, Prague. Informal settlements’ act: what went right in the Portuguese case?, in Proceedings of AESOP Conference 2015, Prague.
- Silva, P. (2015). Digital platforms and participatory processes, in Proceedings of AESOP Conference 2015, Prague.
- Silva, P. (2015). Informal settlements’ act: what went right in the Portuguese case?, in Proceedings of AESOP Conference 2015, Prague.
- Silva, P. (2015). Urban form, spatial planning and European Landscape Convention in Ponencias del I Foro Ibérico de Paisaje Urbano, CIVILSCAPE, Madrid.
Other publications
- Silva, P. (2016). Comunicação por convite Qualidade de vida e território o papel limitado dos planos, Ecossistemas, sustentabilidade e qualidade de vida nas cidades, 2016, Universidade da Beira Interior, Fundão, Portugal.
- Silva, P. (2016). Comunicação What does complexity mean for planning institutions? The potential for change, Planning & Complexity AESOP Thematic Group Meeting, 2016, Universidade de Bamberg, Bamberg, Alemanha.
- Silva, P. (2016). Seminário por convite Planning institutions and citizens: an overview on Portugal’s experience of dealing with informal settlements, Universidade Ben Gurion, Beer Sheba, Israel.
- Silva, P. (2015). Comunicação Participatory processes and digital platforms – towards a more effective way to deal with cities, Planning & Complexity AESOP Thematic Group Meeting, 2015, Universidade de Tampere, Tampere, Finlândia.
- Silva, P. (2015). Comunicação por convite How are we dealing with planning dilemmas?, AESOP PhD Workshop, 2015, Universidade de Bratislava, Stara Lesna, Eslováquia.
- Silva, P. (2015). Comunicação Prior Velho, instrumentos públicos de planeamento e dinâmicas privadas, in A cidade de Sacavém em debate, 2015, Câmara Municipal de Loures Sacavém, Portugal.
Scientific, artistic and cultural production
Technical work
- SILVA, P. (2015). Capacity development in light of an Urban Sustainable Development Goal SDG 11, IHS, Roterdão, Holanda.
Scientific events organization
- Planeamento no contexto de rápidas transformações: dados e tomada de decisão