Pedro Manuel Reis Amado

Current positions

  • Assistant Professor FBAUP

PhD Details

  • Year 2014

Research Groups


  • Amado, P., Silva, A. C., & Quelhas, V. (2021). Post-Digital Letterpress Printing: Research, Education and Practice. Routledge. ISBN 9781032001807. Link
  • Silva, A., Amado, P., & Quelhas, V. (Eds.) (2020). Post-Digital Letterpress Printing Book of Abstracts. Porto: i2ADS – Research Institute in Art, Design and Society University of Porto, Faculty of Fine Arts. ISBN: 978-989-54703-0-3. Link
Book chapters
  • Silva, C., Amado, P., & Quelhas, V. (2022). Alive & Printing! Portuguese Movable Typeface Printing in the 21st Century. In Hands—on Type, Learning from Letterpress Heritage (pp. 197–204). ISBN 978-989-53183-7-7
  • Silva, C., Amado, P., & Quelhas, V. (2022). Alive & Printing! A Tipografia dos Carateres Móveis Portuguesa no Século XXI. In Hands—on Type, Aprender com o Património Tipográfico (pp. 196-204). ISBN 978-989-53183-8-4
  • Amado, P., Quelhas, V., & Silva, C. (2022). In Tipo – Um Encontro de Impressores Tipográficos (pp. 106-107). ISBN 978-989-53151-1-6
  • Amado, P., Quelhas, V., & Silva, A. (2023). Letterpress in Portugal: The Future of Design and Its Engagement with Past Printing Techniques. In Letterpress printing: past, present, future (pp. 179-195). ISBN 978-1-80079-421-4 (print). ISBN 978-1-80079-929-5 (ePDF). ISBN 978-1-80079-930-1 (ePub)
  • Penedos-Santiago, E., Barreto, S., Lima, C., Santos, R., Martins, N., Amado, P. (2023). Sci-Stories in Design: Guidelines for Curricular Inscription and Dissemination Through Visual Narratives. In: Martins, N., Brandão, D., Paiva, F. (eds) Perspectives on Design and Digital Communication III. Springer Series in Design and Innovation, vol 24. Springer, Cham. Link
Other publications
  • Amado, P., Silva, A. C., & Quelhas, V. (2021). Conclusion. In P. Amado, A. C. Silva, & V. Quelhas (Eds.), Post-digital letterpress printing: Research, education and practice (pp. 123–124). Routledge.
  • Amado, P., Silva, A. C., & Quelhas, V. (2021). Introduction. In P. Amado, A. C. Silva, & V. Quelhas (Eds.), Post-digital letterpress printing: Research, education and practice (pp. XXI–XXIII). Routledge.
  • Santos, R.; Penedos-Santiago, E.; Lima, C.; Alvelos, H.; Barreto, S.; Martins; N.; Amado, P. (2020). Pedagogical Practices for the Appropriation and Activation of Transgenerational Knowledge in Art and Design. In ACAH2020 11th Asian Conference on Arts and Humanities. IAFOR The International Academic Forum.

Scientific, artistic and cultural production

Scientific events organization
  • Santos, R., Machado, G. & Amado, P. (2023). 6º Seminário Modos de Editar: in situ – ex situ [6th Seminar ways of publishing: in situ – ex situ]. Faculdade de Belas Artes da Universidade do Porto. Porto
Other scientific activity spreading actions
  • Barreto, Susana, Heitor Alvelos, Pedro Amado, and Eliana Penedos-Santiago (2021). Generative Models from the Past: Portuguese Women Designers. In CNaPPES.21, Congresso Nacional de Práticas Pedagógicas no Ensino Superior, Universidade de Aveiro, Julho de 2021.