Between 2 and 5 May, the town of Vouzela and the surrounding villages will once again be the stage for the collaborative artistic residency “The Art of the Caramulan Encounter”, an annual co-production between Binaural Nodar and the Masters in Contemporary Artistic Creation at the University of Aveiro, coordinated by Paulo Bernardino (ID+ UA) and Luís Costa. This year, the initiative will be attended by around twenty teachers and students.
“The art of the Caramulan encounter” is characterised by a strong component of contact with the landscape, with the direct word and with “empathy between different ways of living and inhabiting”. The aim is to “return to contact with the land, with attentive listening and the unmediated sharing of memories. Also to welcome back the bodies, voices and desires for creative expression on the part of young artists.”
The public presentation is scheduled for the 4th and 5th of May, at the Lafões Cult Lab (Vouzela), between 5pm and 8pm.