Paula Cristina Almeida Tavares


Paula Tavares is a Professor, Artist and Researcher.

She obtained her PhD degree in Fine Arts from the Faculty of Fine Arts, University of Vigo, in 2006, with the thesis "The complex relations between art and politics in western culture. The political art as an institutional contradiction.” She graduated in Drawing from the Artistic Superior School of Porto (ESAP) in 1994, and she made her second graduation in Painting at the Faculty of Fine Arts of Porto in 1999. From 1999 to 2004, she taught Drawing and Painting in the Faculty of Fine Arts at the University of Porto. Since 2007, she has been working as a Professor at the Polytechnic University of Cávado and Ave, Portugal, where since January 2022, she has been Vice President for Internationalization, Communication and Culture. She is also leading the project RUN-EU (European University) at IPCA. She has been an Associate Professor since 2015 and was the Dean of the Design School from 2015 to 2022. In January 2017, she joined the ID+ Research Institute for Design, Media and Culture (, where she is Director of IPCA’s Polo and coordinates the CAOS group Communication, Art, Object and Synergies. Her research interests are focused on 1. Applied Research in Art and Design; 2. Drawing and Audiovisuals; 3. Gender and Politics in Animation and Illustration. She has been involved in a set of financed projects in the design area and artistic projects with different institutions and entities. She is also the General Chair of CONFIA - International Conference on Illustration and Animation (annual conference since 2012) ( She participated in several design competitions - national and international, academic and professional - as a jury. She is represented as an artist in several collections and has been participating in exhibitions and artistic events since the 1990s.

Current positions

  • director ID+
  • Vice President Internationalisation, Communication and Culture IPCA Polytechnic University of Cávado and Ave
  • Institutional Coordinator RUN-EU Regional University Network
  • Associate Professor IPCA Polytechnic University of Cávado and Ave

PhD Details

  • Title The complex relations between art and politics. Political art as a institutional contradiction.
  • Field Fine Arts
  • Year 2006

Research Groups


  • Providência, F., Branco, V., Alvelos, H., Tavares, P., & Barbosa, H. (2019). MADE.PT: Design Crítico Para o Desenvolvimento e Prosperidade (F. Providência, Ed.; 1.a). UA Editora – Universidade de Aveiro. Link
  • Cruz-Cunha, M.M.; Carvalho, V.H.C.; Tavares, P.C.A.. Preface. 2011. 10.4018/978-1-60960-569-8
  • Roque, Daniel; Tavares, Paula; Marques, Jorge T.; IPCA. #LINGO: Animation Cinema as social criticism. 2016.
  • Araujo, Tiago; Tavares, Paula; Marques, Jorge Teixeira; IPCA. An Analysis of Relations between Animation Cinema and Social Criticism Contributions for the construction of a Short film of Intervening Character. 2016
  • Bastos, P. B. Org. (2020). “PRAXIS AND POIESIS: FROM ARTS PRACTICE TOWARDS ART THEORY”, DRX: DESIGN RESEARCH RECORDS, Editora: UA Editora – Universidade de Aveiro, ISBN 978-972-789-629-5. Link
  • Tavares, P., Madureira, M., Albino, M., Jorge, S. (org.) DOCE – Desenho, Ordem, Caos e Ensino. Portugal: ID+ Instituto de Investigação em Design, Media e Cultura. 2023
  • Tavares, P. (org.) CONFIA2023, International Conference on Illustration and Animation. Caldas da Rainha. Proceedings.. Barcelos, Portugal. Edições IPCA 2023 Link
  • BARBOSA, Helena (org.); BRANCO, Vasco; ALVELOS, Heitor; TAVARES, Paula; BARBOSA, Helena (coord.) (2023) – “THEME: Theory and Memory: adding, interpreting & weaving layers. 2”. Vol. 2. Aveiro: UA Editora, 2023. 164 p. ISBN 978-972-789-891-6. DOI: Link
  • Tavares, P.; Teixeira, P. (Org.) CONFIA2021. International Conference on Illustration and Animation. Proceedings. Aveiro. Barcelos, Portugal: Edições IPCA. 2021.
  • Tavares, P.; Teixeira, P. (Org.) CONFIA2012. International Conference on Illustration and Animation. Proceedings. Esposende.. Barcelos, Portugal: Edições IPCA. 2012.
  • Tavares, P.; Teixeira, P. (Org.) CONFIA2013. International Conference on illustration and Animation. Proceedings. Porto.. Barcelos, Portugal: Edições IPCA. 2013.
  • Tavares, P.; Teixeira, P. (Org.) CONFIA2015. International Conference on Illustration and Animation. Proceedings. Braga. Barcelos: Edições IPCA. 2015.
  • Tavares, P.; Teixeira, P. (Org.) CONFIA2016. International Conference on Illustration and Animation. Proceedings. Barcelos.. Barcelos, Portugal: Edições IPCA. 2016.
  • Tavares, P.; Teixeira, P. (Org.) CONFIA2017. International Conference on Illustration and Animation. Proceedings. Guimarães.Barcelos, Portugal: Edições IPCA. 2017.
  • Tavares, P.;Teixeira, P. (Org.)CONFIA2018 – International Conference on Illustration and Animation. Esposende. Proceedings. Barcelos, Portugal: Edições IPCA. 2018.
  • Tavares, P.; Teixeira, P. (Org.) CONFIA2019 International Conference on Illustration and Animation. Viana do Castelo. Proceedings.. Viana do Castelo, Portugal: Edições IPCA. 2019.
  • Tavares, Paula; Mota Teixeira, Pedro. (org.) CONFIA2020, International Conference on Illustration and Animation. Barcelos. Proceedings.. Barcelos, Portugal: Edições IPCA. 2020. Link
  • POMBO, Fátima (org); BRANCO, Vasco; ALVELOS, Heitor; TAVARES, Paula; BARBOSA, Helena (coord.) (2021) – “OIKOS: Design for Ecosystemic Spaces”. Aveiro: UA Editora, 2021. 147 p. ISBN 978-972-789-695-0. DOI: 10.48528/js9w-p190 Link
  • Cunha, M.; Tavares, P.; Carvalho, V. (2011). Computer Games as Educational and Management Tools: Uses and Approaches. IGI Global Link
  • Tavares, P. (ed.) (2019). CAOS Communication, Art and Object Sinergies – Practice Research, the time is now. Portugal: ID+, Research Institute in Design, Media and Culture.
  • Brandão Pereira, J; & Tavares, P. (Org.) (2019). O design como agente para o desenvolvimento territorial e a territorialização. CAOS Communication, Art and Object Sinergies – Practice Research, the time is now. DRX: Registos de Investigação em Design [ ISBN 978-989-54489-6-8 ]. ID+ / IPCA / UP / UA.
  • Cunha, M.; Tavares, P.; Carvalho, V. (2011) Business, Technological, and Social Dimensions of Computer Games: Multidisciplinary Developments Link
See all 22 books
Book chapters
  • Ronconi, M., Brandão Pereira, J., & Tavares, P. (2022). Representation and reconstruction of memories on graffiti writing – case study about animation as documentary strategy. In Keep it Simple Make it Fast! An approach to underground music scenes. Paper presented at Universidade do Porto, Faculdade de Letras, Porto, Portugal.
  • BRANCO, Vasco; ALVELOS, Heitor; TAVARES, Paula; BARBOSA, Helena (2023) – Sobre a coleção. In BARBOSA, Helena (org.); BRANCO, Vasco; ALVELOS, Heitor; TAVARES, Paula; BARBOSA, Helena (coord.) (2023) – “THEME: Theory and Memory: adding, interpreting & weaving layers. 2”. Vol. 2. Aveiro: UA Editora, 2023. ISBN 978-972-789-891-6. DOI: . p. 4-5.
  • BRANCO, Vasco; ALVELOS, Heitor; TAVARES, Paula; BARBOSA, Helena (2023) – About the collection. In BARBOSA, Helena (org.); BRANCO, Vasco; ALVELOS, Heitor; TAVARES, Paula; BARBOSA, Helena (coord.) (2023) – “THEME: Theory and Memory: adding, interpreting & weaving layers. 2”. Vol. 2. Aveiro: UA Editora, 2023. ISBN 978-972-789-891-6. DOI: . p. 6-7.
  • Ronconi, M.; Brandão Pereira, J.; & Tavares, P. (2021). “Representation and reconstruction of memories on public space – a documentary strategy about graffiti writing”. In Griffin, H. (ed.), AMPS Proceedings Series 20.2. Connections: Exploring Heritage, Architecture, Cities, Art, Media, 289-299. Kent, Reino Unido: AMPS PROCEEDINGS SERIES 20.2 Link
  • Tavares, P. (2011) In Fazer falar a Pintura. Editora da Universidade do Porto, 2011. isbn: 9789898265487 Link
  • Tavares, P.; Silva, A. C.; Pereira, J:B:; Albino, M.; Matos, D.; & Teixeira, P. M. (2019). “Transformação regional pelo design – o projeto “capacitar pelo design” na Região Cávado”. In Tavares, P. (Org.) (2019). CAOS Communication, Art and Object Sinergies – Practice Research, the time is now. DRX: Registos de Investigação em Design, pp.11-21. ISBN 978-989-99861-9-0.
  • Tavares, P.; Teixeira, P.; Félix, M.J., Mapping culture and compromised art in the era of globalization, The Politics of Digital Visual Cultures, IGI-Reference 2012.
  • Teixeira, P., Félix, M.J., Tavares, P., Playing with design. the universality of design in game development, Serious Games as Educational, Business, and Research Tools: Development and Design, edited by Maria Manuela Cruz-Cunha, IGI references, 2012.
  • Tavares, P., Teixeira, P., Pereira, L. & Cruz-Cunha, M. M.; Video Games as aggregating mediums and resulting products of several visual communication languages in Cruz-Cunha, M. M., Carvalho, V. C. & Tavares, P. (Eds.). Computer Games as Educational and Management Tools: Uses and Approaches. IGI-Reference, 2011.
  • Tavares, P. (2017) AS RELAÇÕES ENTRE O DESENHO, A ILUSTRAÇÃO E A ANIMAÇÃO. FLUXOS MIGRATÓRIOS OU SIMBIOSE PERFEITA? In Pensar o Fazer da Pintura, 31 teses sobre investigar e criar em pintura. Link
  • Pereira, J.; Soares, D.; Valente, D.; & Tavares, P. (2015). Deka – skate, illustration and the other side of the skateboard. In P. Guerra and T. Moreira, “Keep it Simple, Make it Fast! An approach to underground music scenes – Volume 1”, pp297-308. ISBN: 978-989-8648-49-5 Universidade do Porto, Faculdade de Letras. Link
See all 11 book chapters
International journals
  • Ronconi, M.; Brandão Pereira, J. & Tavares, P. (2020) “Representation and Reconstruction of Memories and Visual Subculture A Documentary Strategy about Graffiti Writing”. Street Art & Urban Creativity Scientific Journal [ ISSN 2183-3869 ] 6 1 : (16-33). Link
  • Brandão Pereira, J.; & Tavares, P. (2016). A visão empreendedora do Design Gráfico – contributos para uma metodologia integrada na formação superior politécnica pós-laboral. In Pinto, R. (Ed.), “Revista de Empreendedorismo e Gestão de MPE”, REGMPE, Brasil-BR, V.1, Nº6, p. 66-74, Nov./Dez.2016,, ISSN 2447-8407. Link
  • Madureira, Marta; Tavares, Paula; Teixeira, Pedro (2009). O Ensino do Desenho. A Tecnologia e suas repercussões na Contemporaneidade. In livro de atas 4ª Conferência Ibérica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informação, Junho. Link
  • Tavares, P. (2014). Conferência Internacional en Ilustración y Animación, CONFIA. Compartiendo y celebrando la investigación. Con A de Animación. Revista annual del Grupo de Investigación em Animación e Indústria. ISSN: 2173-6049. 76-83. Link
  • Tavares, P. (2012). Artista Rizoma – o lugar do artista como professor e investigador no ensino superior. Revista Trama Interdisciplinar, Editora Mackenzie, ISSN: 21775672. Link
  • Tavares, P.; Teixeira, P.; Madureira, M. (2009). The Teaching of Drawing. Technology and Its Effects in the Contemporary”. TRACEY – Drawing and Technology. Link
National journals
  • Tavares, P. (2007). Desbravando o terreno, a arte como factor de mudança. Convergências – Revista de Investigação e Ensino das Artes, nº3. E-ISSN: 1646-9054. Link
International conferences
  • Madureira, M.; Tavares, P.; Teixeira, P.M.. “The design teaching. The technology and its impact on the contemporary | O ensino do desenho. A tecnologia e suas repercussões na contemporaneidade”. 2009.
  • Mota Teixeira, Pedro; Tavares, Paula; Gomes, Rui; Ferreira, António; Mota Teixeira, Pedro. “O Storyboard: Ensaio de um Narrativa Planificada”. Trabalho apresentado em CONFIA 4th International Conference on Illustration and animation, 2016
  • Sarmento, Pedro; Tavares, Paula. “Brazilian advisory rating and criticism of objective classification: Adventure Time analysis based on violence rating criteria”. Trabalho apresentado em CONFIA International Conference on Illustration and Animation, 2018, 2018.
  • Caruso, Ana Paula; Tavares, Paula; Caruso, Ana Paula; Sylla, Cristina; Sá, Gabriela. “Animating for a Digital Manipulative: how to create restricted action libraries without restricting the areas”. Trabalho apresentado em CONFIA – 7th International Conference in Illustration and Animation, Viana do Castelo, 2019
  • Tavares, P., Ronconi, M., & Brandão Pereira, J. (2021). Representation and reconstruction of memories on public space – a documentary strategy about graffiti writing. Paper presented at Connections: Exploring Heritage, Architecture, Cities, Art, Media, Kent, United Kingdom.
  • Tavares, P., & Brandão Pereira, J. (2021). Creative Art and Design and Materials Thinking – as research moto towards the engagement of higher education, regional industry and development stakeholders. Paper presented at the APDR Congress – Associação Portuguesa de Desenvolvimento Regional, Vila Real, Portugal.
  • Trigueiros, I., Tavares, P., & Albino, M. (2021). Evolução da presença da mitologia na ilustração: do Romantismo à contemporaneidade. Paper presented at the CONFIA International Conference on Illustration and Animation, Aveiro, Portugal
  • Sá, G., Tavares, P. & Alvelos, H. (2023). Domee Shi’s Turning Red as Feminist Hope for Feature Animation. Tercer Congreso Creadoras: Dibujo, Diseño y Acción, Seville, Spain.
  • Tavares, P., Pais, A., Serejo, C., “A mulher monstro do figurado de Barcelos.”. Trabalho apresentado em CONFIA 10th International Conference on Illustration and Animation, IPCA, Caldas da Rainha, 2023
  • Madureira, M., Albino, M., Jorge, S., Tavares, P. “Project DOCE as a Pedagogical Experience for Innovative Teaching”. New York, 2023.
  • Sá, G., Tavares, P., Alvelos, H. “Where are the women? An overview of female representation in popilar contemporary animation feature films.”. Trabalho apresentado em CONFIA 10th International Conference in Illustration and Animation, Caldas da Rainha, Portugal, 2023 Link
  • Tavares, P., Pereira, J. “Design Factory’s concept as a lever for regional development: an en-deavor towards its implementation in the region of Minho”. Trabalho apresentado em 30th APDR Congress – Sustainability Development Challenges of Territories in Contexts of Uncertainties due to External Shocks and Risks, Braga, 2023
  • Tavares, P., Pereira, J. “Bridging higher education, regions and communities: the regional im-pact of the European University initiative through the Polytechnic of Cávado and Ave”. Braga, 2023.
  • Tavares, P. “Designing joint Short Advanced Programs for regional University Network – European University”. Trabalho apresentado em Creative Approaches to Technology-Enhanced Learning for the Workplace and Higher Education. The Learning Ideas Conference’ 2023, Nova York, 2023.
  • Jorge, S., Madureira, M., Albino, M., Tavares, P.,Drawing to Understand, Construct and Memorize; Skechbook as a learning Strategy. In ICERI2021 Conference, International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation, 2021.
  • Sá, G., Tavares, P. & Alvelos, H. (2023). Where are the Women? An Overview of Female Representation in Popular Contemporary Animation Feature Films. In CONFIA – 10th International Conference on Illustration and Animation.
  • Sá, G. & Tavares, P. (2019). Color Differences in Male and Female Protagonists of Mainstream Animation Film. In Confia – 7th International Conference on Illustration and Animation, Viana do Castelo, Portugal.
  • Sá, G. & Tavares, P. (2018). Desperfeitamente – an activity book for inducing creativity in female character design. In CONFIA – 6th International Conference on Illustration and Animation (pp. 80-88). Norprint. Link
  • Sá, G. & Tavares, P. (2017). Female Character Design in Today’s Cartoons: The typical and the alternative “girl squad”. In CONFIA – 5th International Conference on Illustration and Animation (pp. 346-355). Link
  • Sá, G. & Tavares, P. (2017). Representação feminina no cinema de animação mainstream dos últimos 25 anos. In AVANCA International Conference Cinema – Art, Technology, Communication (pp. 606-612). Link
  • Covelo, S., Teixeira, P. & Tavares. (2019). “Estereótipos de Género em Animação Infanto/Juvenil” – CONFIA, 7ª Conferência Internacional em Ilustração e Animação. Viana do Castelo, Portugal, 2019.
  • Xavier, R., Serejo, C., Andruchak, M.. & Teixeira, P. & Tavares. (2019). “Rubber Hose Flat Design Limbs – Making Retro Characters Through Mathematic Curves” – CONFIA, 7ª Conferência Internacional em Ilustração e Animação. Viana do Castelo, Portugal, 2019
  • Brandão Pereira, J.; Albino, M; Tavares, P.; Teixeira, P.M.; & Matos, D. (2019). O Projeto “Design, Empresas e Inovação” e a proposta de ação no território do Cávado. Proceedings de “26th APDR Congress – Associação Portuguesa de Desenvolvimento RegioWe-based territorial policymaking: formulation, implementation and evaluation of policy”, Aveiro, 2019
  • Ferreira, M., Tavares, P. & Tavares, P. & Teixeira, P. (2020). “The Presence of Fauvism in Animation”- CONFIA, 8ª Conferência Internacional em Ilustração e Animação. Barcelos, Portugal, 2020
  • Tavares, P., Terroso, M., Matos, D., Ferreira, A. (2021). Investigação e desenvolvimento de projetos em tempos de pandemia. FUSION – Europa Criativa, um projeto em realização no online. MXRIODC, 9º Congresso International de Design.
  • Brandão Pereira, J.; Albino, M; Tavares, P.; Teixeira, P.M.; & Matos, D. (2019). “O Projeto “Design, Empresas e Inovação” e a proposta de ação no território do Cávado”. In 26th APDR Congress – Associação Portuguesa de Desenvolvimento Regional – Evidence-based territorial policymaking: formulation, implementation and evaluation of policy, Associação Portuguesa de Desenvolvimento Regional, pp42-47.
  • Ronconi, M.; Brandão Pereira, J.; & Tavares, P. (2021). “Animation as a Documentary Strategy of Graffiti Writing. Representation and Reconstruction of Memories”. In AVANCA | CINEMA Internacional Conference 2021, AVANCA CINEMA.
  • Tavares, P.; Silva, A.C.; Pereira, J.B.; Teixeira, P.M.; & Matos, D. (2019). “Regional transformation through design”. In Conference Proceedings. The Future of Education 2019, Filodoritto Publisher, pp421-424.
  • Jorge, S., Albino, M., Tavares, P., (2020). “Course Director and Academic Sucess: a strategy developed in a Polytechnic Higher Eductaion Institution”. In Proceedings of ICERI2020 Conference, International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation, Seville. Conference Proceedings, pp. 6958-6965. ISBN: 978-84-09-24232-0. doi: 10.21125/iceri.2020
  • Ronconi, M.; Brandão Pereira, J. & Tavares, P. (2020). Animation as a Documentary Strategy on Visual Contents. Intermediality as a Representation Solution. In Proceedings Book CONFIA 8th International Conference on Illustration and Animation, IPCA, Portugal, 23-24 Outubro, (251-259)-(online).. Link
  • Ferreira, M.; Tavares, P. & Teixeira, P., (2020). The presence of Fauvism in animation. Contribution to the study of color in contemporary animation. In Proceedings Book CONFIA 8th International Conference on Illustration and Animation, IPCA, Portugal, 23-24 Outubro, (210-227)-(online). Link
  • Santos, Pereira R.; Mello, Silveira R. & Tavares, P. (2020). O Sentido Narrativo na Direção de Arte. In Proceedings Book CONFIA 8th International Conference on Illustration and Animation, IPCA, Portugal, 23-24 Outubro, (572-579)-(online) Link
  • Sá, G.; Tavares, P. (2019) “Color Differences in Male and Female Protagonists of Mainstream Animation Film.” In: : CONFIA – 7th International Conference in Illustration and Animation, Volume 7. Viana do Castelo, Portugal, 14-15 Junho (pp. 135-145). ISBN: 978-989-54489-0. Link
  • Caruso, A. P.; Sylla, C; Sá, G.; Tavares, P. (2019) “Animating for a Digital Manipulative: how to create restricted action libraries without restricting the players’ creativity.” In : CONFIA – 7th International Conference in Illustration and Animation, Volume 7. Viana do Castelo, Portugal, 14-15 Junho. ISBN: 978-989-54489-0-6. Link
  • Covelo, S., Teixeira, P. & Tavares, P. (2019). “Estereótipos de Género em Animação Infanto/Juvenil” – In: CONFIA – 7th International Conference in Illustration and Animation, Volume 7. Viana do Castelo, Portugal, 14-15 Junho. ISBN: 978-989-54489-0-6. Link
  • Tavares, P.; Malheiro, A. (2019) “The time is now. Rethinking courses with regional players.” In 29th Annual Conference – Budapest 2019
  • Brandão Pereira, J.; Albino, M; Tavares, P.; Teixeira, P.M.; & Matos, D. (2019). O Projeto “Design, Empresas e Inovação” e a proposta de ação no território do Cávado. Proceedings de “26th APDR Congress – Associação Portuguesa de Desenvolvimento Regional – Evidence-based territorial policymaking: formulation, implementation and evaluation of policy”, Aveiro, 2019. To be published.
  • Tavares, P.; Silva, A.C.; Pereira, J.B.; Teixeira, P.M.; & Matos, D. (2019). Regional transformation through design. In Conference Proceedings 9th International Conference The Future of Education, pp.421-424, Filodiritto Publisher, ISBN 978-88-85813-45-8
  • Araújo, T.; Tavares, P.; Marques, P. “(2017) “Patrioska: Underground Animation as Social and political Representation”. In CONFIA 2017 proceedings, International Conference on Illustration and Animation, Edição IPCA, ISBN: 978-989-99861-3-8
  • Lourenço, T.; Moura, R.; Marques, J.; Tavares, P. (2017) “Outsider: a Case Study of the Journey from Design to Meaning in Videogames”. In CONFIA 2017 proceedings, International Conference on Illustration and Animation, Edição IPCA, ISBN: 978-989-99861-3-8
  • Pereira, J. B.; Valente, D.; Soares, D.; Tavares, P. (2014). Deka – skate, illustration and the other side of the skateboard. In Proceedings Book KISMIF, International Conference Keep it simple, Make it Fast, Porto, 8 a 11 Jul.
  • Lourosa, N.; Dias, M.; Tavares, P.; Gonçalves, N. (2014). The importance and viability of foss in videogame production. In Proceedings Book 8th International Technology, Education and Development Conference. INTED 2014, Valencia, Spain, 10-12 Mar., (1052-1057).
  • Sampaio, Mariana; Tavares, Paula; Silva, Catarina (2013). Uma boca cheia de palavras – construção de um livro interativo para a infância. In Proceedings Book CONFIA 1st International Conference on Illustration and Animation, Ofir, Portugal, 30Nov-1Dec., (555-568).
  • Ferreira, António; Teixeira, Pedro; Tavares, Paula (2013). Estudos de expressões faciais para animação 3d. In Proceedings Book CONFIA 1st International Conference on Illustration and Animation, Ofir, Portugal, 30Nov-1Dec., (193-212).
  • Gomes, Catarina; Tavares, Paula; Madureira, Marta (2013). New possibilities for the printed book a case study – “livro (de actividades) para massajar a imaginação. In Proceedings Book CONFIA 1st International Conference on Illustration and Animation, Ofir, Portugal, 30Nov-1Dec., (331-346).
  • Tavares, Paula; Teixeira, Pedro; Marques, Jorge (2013). El campo ampliado de la ilustración en la contemporaneidad. Breves consideraciones a partir de la experiência en la enseñanza superior. In Proceedings Book Ilustrafic Congreso Internacional de Ilustración. Valencia, España, 19 a 20 de Jun.
  • Teixeira, Pedro; Tavares, Paula & Alves, Paulo (2011) Performance Capture: À Procura de Melhores Técnicas e Estéticas no Contexto da Animação Digital. In Livro de Atas AVANCA/CINEMA, Conferência Internacional Cinema, Arte, Tecnologia, Comunicação. Cine-Clube de Avanca, Portugal.
  • Lourenço, Tiago; Silva, A. Catarina; Tavares, Paula (2012) O papel do ilustrador na criação de álbuns ilustrados eletrónicos. In Proceedings Book 1st International Conference on Illustration and Animation, Ofir, Portugal, 30 Nov. and 1 Dec.,
  • Silva, Sara; Madureira, Marta; Tavares, Paula (2012). O livro ilustrado digital e o livro ilustrado impresso, possibilidades de transição. In Proceedings Book 1st International Conference on Illustration and Animation, Ofir, Portugal, 30 Nov. and 1 Dec.
  • Gomes, Catarina; Tavares, Paula; Madureira, Marta (2012). Do desenho tradicional ao desenho digital. Um caso de estudo – “Wreck this journal” vs “Wreck this app”. In Proceedings Book 1st International Conference in Illustration and Animation” – Ofir, Esposende, 30 November, 1 Dec.,
  • Sequeira, Sérgio; Tavares, Paula (2012). Historical and Conceptual landscape of the character. In Proceedings Book 1st International Conference on Illustration and Animation, Ofir, Portugal, 30 Nov. and 1 Dec.
  • Sampaio, Mariana; Tavares, Paula; Silva, A. Catarina (2012). A experiência do livro ilustrado interativo para a infância. In Proceedings Book 1st International Conference on Illustration and Animation, Ofir, Portugal, 30 Nov. and 1 Dec.
  • Sampaio, Mariana; Tavares, Paula; Silva, Ana Catarina (2012), The interactive Book, a personal experience. In Proceedings Book 2nd Internacional Conference – Art, Illustration and Visual Culture in Infant and Primary Education: Creative processes and childhood-oriented cultural discourses, Aveiro University, Aveiro 23-25 July.
  • Almeida, Aida; Tavares, Paula; Marques, Jorge (2012). Sistemas de comunicación por imagines para niños autistas en el comienzo de la trayectoria: análisis y re-diseño de un sistema. In Proceedings Book II CIDAG – Conferência Internacional em Design e Artes Gráficas, Tomar 24-26 Outubro.
  • Almeida, Aida; Tavares, Paula; Marques, Jorge (2012), Sistemas de comunicación por imagines para niños autistas en el comienzo de la trayectoria: análisis y re-diseño de un sistema. In Proceedings Book 2nd Internacional Conference – Art, Illustration and Visual Culture in Infant and Primary Education: Creative processes and childhood-oriented cultural discourses, Aveiro University, Aveiro 23-25 July.
  • Guimerans, Paola; Tavares, Paula (2012). The workshop model: Artist teacher introducing emerging interdisciplinaries practices and techniques to visual artists within an educational setting. In Proceedings Book 4th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies, Barcelona, Spain, 2-4 July, (7638-7642).

  • Guimerans, Paola; Tavares, Paula (2012). Thermochromic paints: introducing reactive materials to teach visual artists electronics within a non technical-education color theory to animate painting and illustrations. In Proceedings Book 2nd International conference, The future of education, Firenze, Italy, 7,8 Jun.
  • Teixeira, Pedro; Tavares, Paula; Marques, Jorge (2012). Learning environments in the context of a Master Degree in Animation and Illustration. In Proceedings Book ICERI – 5th International conference of education, research and innovation. IATED conference, Madrid, 20, 21 Nov. (2890-2894).
  • Teixeira, Pedro, Tavares, Paula; Félix, M.J. (2011) A Representação de Personagens Virtuais: Como a Tecnologia Obriga à Criação de Estilos e Estéticas Interdisciplinares na Animação Contemporânea. In Livro de Atas AVANCA | CINEMA, Conferência Internacional Cinema, Arte,Tecnologia,Comunicação. Cine-Clube de Avanca, Portugal.
  • Lopes, Cláudia; Bessa, Pedro; Tavares, Paula, (2011) Do silêncio à acção. Livro de Atas AVANCA | CINEMA, Conferência Internacional Cinema, Arte,Tecnologia,Comunicação. Cine-Clube de Avanca, Portugal.
  • Tavares, Paula (2010) A universalidade do Desenho. Desenho projecto, desenho objecto. In Actas de Diseño. Facultad de Diseño y Comunicación. Diseño en Palermo. Encuentro Latinoamericano de Diseño, Universidad de Palermo. Link
  • Tavares, Paula; Félix, M.J.; Teixeira, Pedro (2010) Hybrid Animation. The place of digital moving image culture, AVANCA | CINEMA, Conferência Internacional Cinema, Arte,Tecnologia,Comunicação. Cine-Clube de Avanca, Portugal.
  • Félix, Maria João e Tavares, Paula (2009). Contribution of Product Design Methodologies Research. In Proceedings Book 4 th International Conference on Higher Education Marketing – Universidade do Minho, Guimarães, Portugal
  • Félix, Maria João e Tavares, Paula (2009). Contribution of Product Design Methodologies Research. In Proceedings Book IDEMI 09, International Conference on Integration of Design, Engineering and Management for innovation – Universidade do Porto, Guimarães, Portugal.
  • Tavares, Paula (2009). O contributo do processo de desenho na metodologia projectual. In livro de Atas CIANTEC III, Universidades Mackenzie e Universidade de São Paulo (USP), Brasil e a Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal. Link
  • Tavares, Paula (2008). Desbravando o terreno, a arte como factor de mudança. In Proceedings Book International Congress of Creativity and Innovation – The Portuguese‐Spanish Environment ‐ I.N.U.A.F. ‐ Loulé ‐ Portugal.
  • Pereira, J. B, Tavares, P.; Silva, A. C.; Matos, D.; Teixeira, P. M. (2018) “Transformação regional pelo design – o projeto “capacitar pelo design” na região Cávado”. In 25th APDR Congress Proceedings, Circular Economy, Urban Metabolism and Regional Development: Challenges for a Sustainable Future. NOVAFCSH, Lisbon (Portugal).
  • Tavares, P.; Silva, A. C.; Pereira, J. B.; Matos, D.; Teixeira, P. M. (2018) “Transformação regional pelo design – o projeto “capacitar pelo design” na região Cávado”. In 25th APDR Congress Proceedings, Circular Economy, Urban Metabolism and Regional Development: Challenges for a Sustainable Future. NOVAFCSH, Lisbon (Portugal), 5-6 July 2018. ISBN 978-989-8780-06-5
  • Pereira, J. B.; Tavares, P.; Silva, A. C.; Matos, D.; & Teixeira, P. M. (2018). “Transformação regional pelo design – o projeto “capacitar pelo design” na região Cávado”. In 25th APDR Congress Proceedings, Circular Economy, Urban Metabolism and Regional Development: Challenges for a Sustainable Future. NOVAFCSH, Lisbon (Portugal), 5-6 July 2018. ISBN 978-989-8780-06-5
  • Tavares,P.; Silva, A. C. (2018) “Regional transformation through design”. 28th Annual Conference – Tallinn 2018, Partnerships for a Digital Future – Strategic role of professional higher education for society.
  • Tavares, P.; Silva, A. C. (2018) “Regional transformation through design”. 28th Annual Conference – Tallinn 2018, Partnerships for a Digital Future – Strategic role of professional higher education for society.
  • Sá, G.; Tavares, P. (2018) “Desperfeitamente – an activity book for inducing creativity in female character design”. In CONFIA 2018 proceedings, International Conference on Illustration and Animation, Ed. IPCA, Portugal . July 2018 . ISBN: 978-989-99861-6-9
  • Covelo, S.; Teixeira, P. M.; Tavares, P. (2018) “Collaborative Construction of an Androgynous Character for a Short Animated Film: Dani”. In CONFIA 2018 proceedings, International Conference on Illustration and Animation, Ed. IPCA, Portugal . July 2018 . ISBN: 978-989-99861-6-9
  • Lopes, A. C.; Tavares, P.; Marques, J. (2018) “Approaches to authorship in video games: the director, the studio and the player”. n CONFIA 2018 proceedings, International Conference on Illustration and Animation, Ed. IPCA, Portugal . July 2018 . ISBN: 978-989-99861-6-9
  • Araújo, T.; Tavares, P.; Marques, P. “(2017) “Patrioska: Underground Animation as Social and political Representation”. In CONFIA 2017 proceedings, International Conference on Illustration and Animation, Edição IPCA, ISBN: 978-989-99861-3-8

  • Lourenço, T.; Moura, R.; Marques, J.; Tavares, P. (2017) “Outsider: a Case Study of the Journey from Design to Meaning in Videogames”. In CONFIA 2017 proceedings, International Conference on Illustration and Animation, Edição IPCA, ISBN: 978-989-99861-3-8

  • Sá, G.; Tavares, P. (2017) “Female Character Design in Today’s Cartoons: The typical and the alternative ‘girl squad’”. In CONFIA 2017 proceedings, International Conference on Illustration and Animation, Edição IPCA, ISBN: 978-989-99861-3-8

  • Sá, G.; Tavares, P. (2017) “Representação feminine no cinema de animação mainstream dos últimos 25 anos” In AVANCA CINEMA 2017 proceedings, 8th International Conference Cinema, Art, Technology, Communication.
  • Araújo, T.; Tavares, P.; Marques, P. “(2016) UMA ANÁLISE DE RELAÇÕES ENTRE O CINEMA DE ANIMAÇÃO E A CRÍTICA SOCIAL”. In CONFIA 2016 proceedings, International Conference on Illustration and Animation, Edição IPCA, ISBN: 978-989-99465-6-9
  • Roque, D.; Tavares, P.; Marques, J. (2016) “#LINGO: O CINEMA DE ANIMAÇÃO COMO CRÍTICA SOCIAL”. In CONFIA 2016 proceedings, International Conference on Illustration and Animation, Edição IPCA, ISBN: 978-989-99465-6-9
  • Pereira, J. B.; Soares, D.; Valente, D.; & Tavares, P. (2016) A ilustração e o skate: o projeto Deka como estudo de caso de um território de contra-cultura. Proceedings Ilustrada, Covilhã UBI, February 25, 2016. Disponível em
  • Teixeira, P. & Tavares, P. (2015). Ilustrafic | Congreso Internacional de Ilustración. “PERSONAGES 2D Y 3D: CONVERGENCIAS O DIVERGENCIAS?” Valencia de 01 a 03 de Outubro 2015.
  • Pereira, J.; Soares, D.; Valente, D.; & Tavares, P. (2015). O projecto Deka – o reverso ilustrado do Skate como identidade cultural urbana. Proceedings DESIGNA 2015, Covilhã UBI, pp.225-234. ISBN 978-989-654-262-7. Link
  • Pereira, J.; Soares, D.; Valente, D.; & Tavares, P. (2015). Deka – skate, illustration and the other side of the skateboard. Proceedings CONFIA Conferência Internacional em Ilustração e Animação, April 10-12, 2015 (pp.453-468). ISBN: 978-989-98241-9-5. Disponível em
  • Vieira, J.; Brandão, D.; Tavares, P. (2015). ARTE PARTICIPATIVA: UM CASO DE ESTUDO NO PORTO. In CONFIA 2015 proceedings, International Conference on Illustration and Animation, Edição IPCA, ISBN: 978-989-98241-9-5.
  • Trigueiros, I.; Tavares, P.; Albino, M. (2015). A representação do mito: o folclore como parte do imaginário coletivo. In CONFIA 2015 proceedings, International Conference on Illustration and Animation, Edição IPCA, ISBN: 978-989-98241-9-5.
  • Fernandes, R.; Tavares, P.; Marques, J. (2015). O cartoon de autor processos de construção do projeto “Histórias sem interesse”. In CONFIA 2015 proceedings, International Conference on Illustration and Animation, Edição IPCA, ISBN: 978-989-98241-9-5.
  • LOPES, M; TAVARES, P.; ALBINO, M. (2015). O JOGO DE TABULEIRO “A LENDA DO GALO”: A NARRATIVA E O SEU PROCESSO ILUSTRATIVO In CONFIA 2015 proceedings, International Conference on Illustration and Animation, Edição IPCA, ISBN: 978-989-98241-9-5.
  • Lopes, M; Tavares, P.; Albino, M. (2015) ‘O Jogo de Tabuleiro “A Lenda do Galo”: A Narrativa e o Seu Processo Ilustrativo’ in CONFIA 2015
  • HUNGRIA, L.; TAVARES, P.; SILVA, A. (2015). Nostalgia Neo Victorianism in twenty-first century children books. In CONFIA 2015 proceedings, International Conference on Illustration and Animation, Edição IPCA, ISBN: 978-989-98241-9-5.
  • Hungria, L.; Tavares, P.; Silva, A. (2015). Los Estilos del Pasado, Nuevos Caminos: Ilustración Neo-Victoriana En Siglo 21, Libros para Jóvenes y para Niños. ILUSTRAFIC, 2º Congreso Internacional de Ilustración, Arte y Cultura visual, Universitat Politècnica de València, 1, 2 y 3 de Octubre.
  • Costa, J.; Brandão, D. & Tavares, P. (2015). Arte Participativa: um caso de estudo no Porto. CONFIA 2015: Conferência Internacional em Ilustração e Animação – Proceedings. Instituto Politécnico do Cávado e do Ave. pp. 383-396. ISBN: 978-989-98241-9-5.
  • Lopes, M; Tavares, P.; Albino, M. (2015) ‘O Jogo de Tabuleiro A Lenda do Galo: A Narrativa e o Seu Processo Ilustrativo’ in CONFIA 2015 proceedings, International Conference on Illustration and Animation, Edição IPCA
See all 93 international conferences
National conferences
  • Brandão Pereira, J.; & Tavares, P. (2016). A visão empreendedora do Design Gráfico – contributos para uma metodologia integrada na formação superior politécnica pós-laboral. Proceedings of “II Jornadas Ensino do Empreendedorismo”, Coimbra, September 6, 2016. (pp.8-15). ISBN: 978-989-97004-3-7.
Other publications
  • Tavares, P., Félix, M. J., & Teixeira, P. (2010). Drawing the Universal Tool [Poster presentation]. Design Research Network Annual Conference Observation: Mapping: Dialogue, University of Brighton, Brighton.
  • Tavares, P. (2011). Drawing and project: tradition and innovation. The place of drawing in the project methodology. Apresentado na DESIGNA 2011 International Design Conference, Universidade da Beira Interior, Covilhã.
  • Tavares, P., & Tavares, P. (2009). O desenho como ferramenta universal. O contributo do processo do desenho na metodologia projectual. Recuperado de
  • Tavares, P., (2011) Retrato do menino Eça’, instalação na Pousada de Santa Marinha em Guimarães.
  • Valente, D., Brandão Pereira, J., & Tavares, P. (2013). DEKA – skate e tipografia. Trabalho apresentado em IV Encontro de Tipografia.
  • Tavares, P. Design Factory’s concept as a lever for regional development: an endeavour towards its implementation in the region of Minho, APDR 2023(Braga, Portugal)
  • Tavares, P. Bridging higher education, regions and communities: the regional impact of the European University initiative through the Polytechnic of Cávado and Ave, APDR 2023(Braga, Portugal)
  • Tavares, P. Fora de Campo, Entre Imagens, curso de Verão MDOC Melgaço Apresentação do trabalho de investigação realizado em parceria com José Ribeiro e Gregório Albuquerque na Fio-Cruz Rio de Janeiro, Brasil em Fevereiro de 2023, MDOC 2023 Festival de cinema documental (Melgaço, Portugal)
  • Tavares, Paula (2006) – “Las complejas relaciones entre el arte y la política en la cultura occidental. El arte político como contradicción institucional.” Tese doutoral, Faculdade de Belas Artes de Pontevedra da Universidade de Vigo, Espanha.
  • Tavares, P. (2010). A propósito da Caldeira 213, revisão da matéria: o activismo político como uma das belas artes, ou a arte activista explicada às crianças. Link
  • Tavares, P. (2008). Breve cartografia das correntes desconstrutivas feministas na produção artística da segunda metade do século XX. ARTE CAPITAL. Link
  • Sarmento, P.; Tavares, P. (2019). Os desenhos animados e a infância: da Classificação Indicativa à Educação para as Mídias Link
  • Branco, Vasco; Barbosa, Helena; Alvelos, Heitor; Tavares, Paula. 2019. Relatório de Atividades Desenvolvidas do Instituto de Investigação em Design, Media e Cultura [ID+], referente ao ano 2019, requerido pela FCT. [UID/DES/4057/2019]..
  • Branco, V., Alvelos, H., Tavares, P. & Barbosa, H. (2019). Sobre esta coleção/About this collection. In Providência, F (Org.), MADE.PT: DESIGN CRÍTICO PARA O DESENVOLVIMENTO E PROSPERIDADE, Colecção DRX: Registos de Investigação em Design [ID+], pp. 06 – 09. Aveiro: UA EDitora – Universidade de Aveiro. ISBN 978-972-78-9604-2.
See all 14 other publications

Scientific, artistic and cultural production

Technical work
  • BRANCO, Vasco, ALVELOS, Heitor; TAVARES, Paula; BARBOSA, Helena (2023) – Relatório de Progresso do Instituto de Investigação em Design, Media e Cultura [ID+] requerido pela FCT no âmbito do Financiamento Base e Financiamento Programático às Unidades de Investigação – [UIDB/04057/2020] e [UIDP/04057/2020] referente ao ano civil de 2022.
  • Tavares, P. (2017) Membro do Conselho Consultivo Barcelos Cidade Criativa da UNESCO em representação do Instituto Politécnico do Cávado e do Ave.
  • Tavares, P. (2017) Membro Conselho Consultivo Braga Media Arts da UNESCO em representação do Instituto Politécnico do Cávado e do Ave.
  • Tavares, P. (2019) Projeto Alentejo Criativo: keynote na sessão de encerramento
  • Tavares, P., Malheiro, A. (2019) “The time is now. Rethinking courses with regional players.”, Eurashe, Budapest
  • Tavares, P. (2019), Scientific Committee Member Congress Quirino
  • Tavares, P. (2019), Scientific Committee Member CONFIA International Conference on Illustration and Animation 2019
  • Tavares, P. (2018), Scientific Committee Member CONFIA International Conference on Illustration and Animation 2018
  • Tavares, P. (2017), Scientific Committee Member CONFIA International Conference on Illustration and Animation 2017
  • Tavares, P. (2016), Scientific Committee Member CONFIA International Conference on Illustration and Animation 2016
  • Tavares, P. (2015), Scientific Committee Member CONFIA International Conference on Illustration and Animation 2015
  • Tavares, P. (2013), Scientific Committee Member CONFIA International Conference on Illustration and Animation 2013
  • Tavares, P. (2012), Scientific Committee Member CONFIA International Conference on Illustration and Animation 2012
  • Tavares, P. (2018) Member of the Júri ICA Animation
  • Tavares, P. (2018) Member of the Júri Prémio Literatura Infantil / Ilustração Pingo Doce
  • Tavares, P. (2019) Member of the Júri – Ação 5 Encontros de Cinema de Viana do Castelo (org. aonorte)
  • Tavares, P. (2018) Presidência do júri da XII edição da Bienal de Pintura do Eixo Atlântico.
  • Tavares, P.; Silva, A. (2018) “Creating a capacity building training program through Design for regional development in Northern Portugal: an innovation project for the small businesses and companies”
  • Tavares, P. (2018), Member of the Scientific Committee ILUSTRADA UBI 2018
  • Tavares, P. (2018), Scientific Committee Member Congress Quirino
  • Tavares, P. UD (2017) – Applied research. New means, old goals. keynote
  • Tavares, P. (2016-2017) Membro da Equipa do Programa de Modernização e Valorização do Institutos Politécnicos.
  • Tavares, P. (2016), Member of the Scientific Committee ILUSTRADA UBI 2016
See all 23 technical work entries
Scientific events organization
  • Tavares, P. (2020), General Chair CONFIA International Conference on Illustration and Animation 2020
  • Tavares, P., 2023, Organização e coordenação do Dissemination Event da RUN-EU em Maio de 2023 (2023 – 2023) Encontro (Presidente da Comissão Organizadora) Instituto Politécnico do Cávado e do Ave, Portugal
  • Tavares, P., 2023, Organização e coordenação do Short Advanced Programme SAP for Staff da RUN-EU realizado no IPCA em Maio de 2023. (2023 – 2023) Outro (Presidente da Comissão Organizadora) Instituto Politécnico do Cávado e do Ave, Portugal
  • Tavares, P. (2023), General Chair CONFIA International Conference on Illustration and Animation 2023
  • Tavares, P. (2021), General Chair CONFIA International Conference on Illustration and Animation 2021
  • Brandão Pereira, J.; & Tavares, P. (2021). Chair Special Session “SS14 | Design and territory – policies and strategies with the creative industries for the recovery and resilience of regional development”, integrada no “28th APDR – Associação Portuguesa de Desenvolvimento Regional Congress – Green and inclusive transitions in Southern European regions: What can we do better?”, Vila Real, Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro e Associação Portuguesa para o Desenvolvimento Regional.
  • COSTA, Rui (2019) – Organizer of REDE#02 – Reunião de Escolas de Design,IPCA, Barcelos, Portugal, 31 October 2019.
  • Brandão Pereira, J.; & Tavares, P. (2019). Special Session organization “SS17 | O design como agente para o desenvolvimento territorial e a territorialização”, part of the 26th APDR – Associação Portuguesa de Desenvolvimento Regional Congress. University of Aveiro, July 04-05, 2019.
  • Tavares, P. (2019), General Chair CONFIA International Conference on Illustration and Animation 2019
  • Tavares, P. (2018), General Chair CONFIA International Conference on Illustration and Animation 2018
  • Tavares, P. (2017), General Chair CONFIA International Conference on Illustration and Animation 2017
  • Tavares, P. (2015), General Chair CONFIA International Conference on Illustration and Animation 2015
  • Tavares, P. (2013), General Chair CONFIA International Conference on Illustration and Animation 2013
  • Tavares, P. (2012), General Chair CONFIA International Conference on Illustration and Animation 2012
See all 14 scientific events organization entries
Other relevant cultural production
  • Tavares, P., 2017, Applied research. New means, old goals. Presented at UD17 Doctoral conference, “NOISEWSE: Design Research in face of current challenges to knowledge”Universidade do Porto
  • Tavares, P., 2018 Creating a capacity-building training program through Design for regional development in Northern Portugal: an innovation project for the small businesses and companies. Eurashe 28th International Conference Eurashe (Tallin, Estónia)
  • Tavares, P., 2019 The time is now. Rethinking courses with regional players. Eurashe, 29th Annual Conference Eurashe (Budapeste, Hungria)
  • Tavares, P., 2022 Design, Territórios e Património. Estratégias de desenvolvimento do território a partir de propostas híbridas entre etnografia e replicabilidade. Encontro Ciência 22 Fundação Ciência e Tecnologia (Lisboa, Portugal)
  • Tavares, P., O FIGURADO BARCELENSE: ENTRE A ARTE POPULAR E A ACADEMIA. Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco, 2022, (Castelo Branco, Portugal)
  • Tavares, P., Design Factory’s concept as a lever for regional development: an endeavour towards its implementation in the region of Minho, 2023, APDR (Braga, Portugal)
  • Tavares, P., Bridging higher education, regions and communities: the regional impact of the European University initiative through the Polytechnic of Cávado and Ave, 2023, APDR (Braga, Portugal)
  • Tavares, P. (2023, February). Fora de Campo, Entre Imagens [Lecture]. Presented at the Curso de Verão MDOC Melgaço. Melgaço, Portugal.
  • Tavares, P. (2019). Mulher Polvo [Artwork]. In Mulheres Artistas Exhibition.
  • Tavares, P. (2019) O Tripeiro, Associação Comercial do Porto, desenho de capa, Fevereiro 2019
  • Tavares, P. (2019) UIVO 8, 8ª edição da Mostra de Ilustração, curadoria de Claudia Santos, Produção Câmara Municipal da Maia, Maia, Portugal
  • Tavares, P. (2015), Exposição Coletiva Brasil – Portugal, Universidade do Porto e Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, Porto e São Paulo.
  • Tavares, P. (2015), Exposição Coletiva Brasil – Portugal, Universidade do Porto e Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, Porto e São Paulo.
  • Tavares, P. (2014) ‘Memória Autofágica’ – Obra apresentada no ciclo de exposições ‘Uma memória maior que o mar’, do Projeto Cubo 2/44 comissariado por Rui Effe.
  • Tavares, P. (2014) ‘Memória Autofágica’ – Obra apresentada no ciclo de exposições ‘Uma memória maior que o mar’, do Projeto Cubo 2/44 comissariado por Rui Effe.
  • Tavares, P. (2013) ‘Memória e cheiro de Abril. Saudade de futuro’ no projecto As emoções são tão físicas que por vezes quebram. GNRation em Braga: Apresentação da vídeo instalação, Abril e Maio de 2013.
  • Tavares, P. (2013) ‘Memória e cheiro de Abril. Saudade de futuro’ no projecto As emoções são tão físicas que por vezes quebram. GNRation em Braga: Apresentação da vídeo instalação, Abril e Maio de 2013.
See all 17 other relevant cultural production entries
Other scientific activity spreading actions
  • Alvelos, Heitor, Vasco Branco e Paula Tavares (2021) Design e Território: para uma re-capacitação industrial, educativa e profissional com base em redes de contextos locais. In Encontro com a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Lisboa, Julho de 2021.
  • Tavares, P. (2021) Reviewer of one article for The European Journal of Women’s Studies, SAGE Journal.
  • Tavares, P. (2020) Member of the Scientific Committee Convergências, Journal of Research and Arts Education. Escola Superior de Artes Aplicadas do Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco. Castelo Branco, Portugal.
  • Tavares, P. (2020) Member of the Editorial Committee Revista Con A de Animación. Grupo de Animación de Universitat Politécnica de Valencia. Valencia, Spain.
  • Tavares, P. (2019) Member of the Scientific Committee “Projeto RISOGRAFIA”. Facultad de Belas Artes de Pontevedra, Pontevedra, Spain.
  • Tavares, P. (2017) Member of the Scientific Committee Revista Educação Gráfica. Departamento de Artes e Representação Gráfica da Faculdade de Arquitetura, Artes e Comunicação da UNESP, Campus de Bauru, Brasil.
  • Tavares, P.; Silva, A. C. (2018) “Regional transformation through design”. 28th Annual Conference – Tallinn 2018, Partnerships for a Digital Future – Strategic role of professional higher education for society.