“CULTURALITY project is planned with 8 Work Packages for a duration of 48 months with 12 partners from 8 different countries. The project aims to connect traditional and modern material & immaterial practices to attract new audiences and improve sustainable cultural tourism in rural & remote areas. Subsequently, the ideal partnership has been promoted, with academic teams with various research profiles and non-academic partners who are in contact with rural communities and have previous experience organizing activities promoting cultural and creative tourism in remote areas. A well-balanced consortium is built up which includes higher education institutions (Universities), regional representatives from rural & remote areas, museums, organizations working directly with local communities as well as SMEs from the tourism and data mining sectors. Due to the characteristics of the project, which addresses studies of design, anthropology, ethnography, material culture, geography, tourism studies, economics, etc., the partnership has been designed to boost interdisciplinary collaboration, with ethnographers, anthropologists, geographers, economists, designers, experts in social sciences & humanities, promoters of new cultural activities, curators, etc. Indeed, the various objects of study (crafts, intangible heritage, music, design and creative tourism initiatives) require the collaborative work of researchers and professionals from different disciplines, backgrounds and professional experiences.”
Start/end date Apr 2024 — Mar 2028
Research groups
Call: Horizon Europe Programme. Research and Innovation on Cultural Heritage and CCIs-2023, Call-Topic: Horizon-CL2-2023-Heritage-01-05
Funding amount € 3 000 000
Duration 48 months
Project code HORIZON-CL2-2023-HERITAGE-0110113262
Fátima Pombo
Violeta Clemente
Gonçalo Gomes
- Ana Maria Fernández Garcia, Universidade de Oviedo
- , Politecnico di Torino (IT)
- , University of St. Andrews, Scotland (UK)
- , University of Tartu (ES)
- , Foundation Museum Nord (NO)
- , Region Värmland (SE)
- , La Ponte EcoMuseu (ES)
- , Espacio Tormaleo (ES)
- , Uriaxait (ES)
- , Applied Arts Scotland SCIO (UK)
- , Consiliul Judetean Maramures (RO)
- , Scientific Research Centre of Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts (SL)
- Bárbara Gabriel, Universidade de Aveiro (DEM)