Luga Poster Biennale

Luga Poster Biennale is a project of the School of Media Arts and Design, Polytechnic University of Porto (ESMAD/P.PORTO) and the Research Institute for Design Media and Culture (ID+), which aims to explore the Poster as a fundamental element of research. The intention of the LUGA project with the creation of a Luso-Galician Poster Biennale is to establish a international event dedicated to the promotion and celebration of the poster as a form of artistic and communicative expression.

The Biennale aims to bring together designers, artists and professionals of the field of graphic design, communication design, (among other areas) more directly between Portugal and Galicia, to share their creations, explore trends and stimulate dialogue and collaboration among communities.

The strength of this project lies in the valorisation of the poster as a means of visual communication, offering a platform for artists and designers to exhibit their work and promote cultural and creative exchange between Portugal, Galicia, and the international community. Additionally, the biennale can encourage experimentation and innovation in the field of poster design, stimulating the search for new aesthetic and conceptual approaches.

Start/end date Jan 2023 — Dec 2024

Research groups