Contact person: Susana Barreto
This group aligns primarily with Cluster 4 of the EU’s R&I future priorities 2025-2027, particularly in regards to the digital component as a main driver of both technological innovation/obsolescence, and corresponding socio-cultural shifts and benefits. Crossing these strategic priorities with ID+ researchers’ areas of specialisation, the group focuses specifically on the re-calibration of contemporary and traditional media towards common good, design as a mediator of the impacts of current technological acceleration, leveraging interactive media, and public visibility and knowledge of specialised audiovisual production. The unpacking of the current vertigo around Artificial Intelligence from a Design perspective is an emerging and urgent priority.
The Group currently fosters the following strategic fronts:
- the Unexpected Media Lab, whose mission consists of contributing to a healthier relationship between citizens and current media semantics, repurposing so-called “dead media” into renewed relevance, and mediating multi-disciplinary communication;
- the Cinemas film hub, whose mission includes enquiring on new documentary and digital narratives in their aesthetic, ethical, epistemological and political dimensions; connecting with diasporic communities via documentary film, and fostering international networks of audiovisual media.
- the Media Arts Lab, dedicated to advancing the understanding of media arts, to engage in practice-based audiovisual research for the benefit of society, and to add value to artistic media practices as processes of knowledge construction.
Board of coordinators
- Media Ethnography, Mediated narratives, Digital Practices.
Integrated members
Abhishek Chatterjee
Anselmo Canha
António João Lourenço
Cláudia Lima
Daniel Maciel
Eliana Santiago
Frederico Dinis
Heitor Alvelos
José Ribeiro
José Carneiro
Júlio Dolbeth
Marta Fernandes
Pedro C. Almeida
Raquel Moreira
Rodrigo Carvalho
Rui Vitorino Santos
Susana Barreto
Adriana Baptista
Cesário Alves
Horácio Tomé Marques
João Leal
Luís Leite
Maria João Cortesão
Marina Estela Graça
Mário Pinto
Olívia Silva
Rui Rodrigues
Teresa Terroso